Chapter 6: City economy and enterprise

Closed27 Jul, 2022, 09:00 - 1 Sep, 2022, 16:30
Material Alteration Reference Number 6.1

Chapter 6
Section: 6.4 Strategic Approach
Page: 213, first bullet point


  • safeguard and enhance Dublin’s role as Ireland’s internationally competitive capital {and global gateway to the region and state};
Material Alteration Reference Number 6.2

Chapter 6
Section: 6.5.2 Strategic and Targeted Employment Growth
Page: 218, last paragraph


The overall approach to employment growth set out in this Plan reflects the RSES/MASP strategy in that it provides for the appropriate economic development of specific areas of the city such as: the City Centre, the Docklands, {the Naas Road (City Edge Project)}, the Outer City and Key Urban Villages.

Material Alteration Reference Number 6.3

Chapter 6
Section: 6.5.6 Key Economic Sectors
Page: 225, 1st paragraph


Dublin has an open, international, competitive and diversified economy. It is a major hub for leading IT and financial services companies as well as for research and development activities. It is also a major tourism, leisure and culture destination and has a vibrant restaurant, food and craft sector. {Dublin is also known as a destination that supports the creation of new brewing and distilling opportunities given the important economic contribution both sectors make to the city.}

Material Alteration Reference Number 6.4

Chapter 6
Section: 6.5.6 Key Economic Sectors, subheading Data Centres
Page: 228, 1st and 2nd paragraphs under Data Centres


The accelerating digitisation of our society has created an increased international demand for additional data storage and processing infrastructure resulting in the development of large data centres in Ireland. {As is stated in the 2021 National Climate Action Plan, the forecast growth of data centres clearly represents a challenge to Ireland’s emissions targets.}

In 2017, the Government published a statement on the role of Data Centres in Ireland’s Enterprise Strategy. This document emphasised a plan led approach to promoting regional options for data centre investment. {According to the 2021 National Climate Action Plan, this document is to be reviewed to ensure alignment with: sectoral emissions ceilings and our renewable energy targets; ongoing security of supply concerns; and the demand flexibility measures that are now needed.}

Material Alteration Reference Number 6.5

Chapter 6
Section 6.5.6 Key Economic Sectors, Data Centres
Page: 229, Policy CEE25


Policy CEE25 Data Centres

To require applications for new data centre development {or expansions} to clearly demonstrate how the proposed development:

  • {complies with any update of national policy and regulatory measures to manage demand from large energy users, such as data centres, in the context of climate targets and future network needs;}
  • achieves high levels of energy efficiency;
  • maximises the use on-site renewable energy;
  • captures and reuses waste heat; (and)
  • is signed-up to the Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact (.) {; and,}
  • {impacts on the local, city and national economy in terms of, inter alia, local employment (direct and indirect), digital needs/benefits etc.}
Material Alteration Reference Number 6.6

Chapter 6
Section: 6.5.6 Key Economic Sectors, Tourism, Hotels and Events
Page: 231, Policy CEE27


Policy CEE27 Tourism Initiatives

To work with Fáilte Ireland and other stakeholders to deliver on significant tourism development initiatives for the city including:
(‘Smart Tourism’, the Dublin Coastal Trail and the Docklands Visitor Experience Development (VEDP) Plan.)

  • {Dublin Regional Tourism Strategy 2022-2026
  • Destination & Experience Development Plans
  • Outdoor Dining Enhancement Scheme
  • Urban Animation Scheme
  • The Dublin Coastal Trail
  • Smart Tourism & Digital Capability }
Material Alteration Reference Number 6.7

Chapter 6
Section: 6.5.6 Key Economic Sectors, Tourism, Hotels and Events
Page: 231, Policy CEE28


Policy CEE28 (Tourism) {Visitor} Accommodation

To consider applications for additional hotel, tourist hostel and aparthotel development having regard to:

  • the existing character of the area in which the development is proposed including local amenities and facilities;
  • the existing and proposed mix of uses (including existing levels of (Tourism) {visitor} accommodation i.e. existing and permitted hotel, aparthotel {Bed and Breakfast, short-term letting} and student accommodation uses) in the vicinity of any proposed development;
  • {the existing and proposed type of existing visitor accommodation i.e. Hotel Classification/Rating, Hostel Accommodation, Family Accommodation, Alternative Accommodation etc., in the vicinity of any proposed development;}
  • the impact of additional (Tourism) {visitor} accommodation on the wider objective to provide a rich and vibrant range of uses in the city centre {including residential, social, cultural and economic functions;}
  • the need to prevent an unacceptable intensification of activity, particularly in predominantly residential areas;
  • the opportunity presented to provide high quality, designed for purpose spaces that can {generate activity at street level and} accommodate evening and night-time activities – see also Chapter 12, Objective CUO34.
Material Alteration Reference Number 6.8

Chapter 6
Section 6.5.6- Key Economic Sectors
Page: 232, Policy CEE29


Insert the following at the end of Policy CCEE29 Event Venues

{*See also Objective CUO34}

Material Alteration Reference Number 6.9

Chapter 6
Section: 6.5.6 Key Economic Sectors, Tourism, Hotels and Events
Page: 232, Objective CEEO1


Objective CEEO1 Study on the Supply and Demand for Hotels, Aparthotels and Hostels

To carry out an analysis of the supply and demand for tourism related accommodation including hotels, aparthotels, (and) hostels, {Bed and Breakfast Accommodation and other short-term letting} in the Dublin City area.

Please see attachment.
HSE CHO DNCC propose that material alteration 6.3 ( {Dublin is also known as a destination that supports the creation of new brewing and distilling opportunities given the important economic...
CHO DNCC propose the addition of the following in relation tourism initiatives/events   "events promoting physical activity, sport, exercise and positive mental health are increasingly...
HSE CHO DNCC also propose the consideration/addition of "ensuring availability of accommodation for Healthcare workers to support sustainable recruitment in the sector in collaboration with...
The District 7 Community Alliance explicitly supports all material alterations suggested under Material Alteration Numbers 6.7 and 6.9