Chapter 15: Development standards

Closed27 Jul, 2022, 09:00 - 1 Sep, 2022, 16:30
Material Alteration Reference Number 15.1

Chapter 15
Section: 15.3.2 Appropriate Assessment
Page: 649, 2nd paragraph


With introduction of the EU Birds Directive ((79/409/EEC) {2009/147/EC}) and the EU Habitats Directive ((43/92/EEC) {92/43/EEC}) came the obligation to establish the Natura 2000 network of sites of highest biodiversity importance for rare and threatened habitats and species across the EU. In Ireland, the Natura 2000 network of European sites comprises Special Areas of Conservation (including candidate SACs), and Special Protection Areas (including proposed SPAs).

Material Alteration Reference Number 15.2

Chapter 15
Section: 15.7.1, Reuse of Existing Buildings
Page: 675, 1st paragraph


Where demolition is proposed, the applicant must submit a demolition justification report to set out the rational for the demolition having regard to the ‘embodied carbon’ of existing structures and {demonstrate that all options other than demolition, such as refurbishment, extension or retrofitting are not possible}; as well as the additional use of resources and energy arising from new construction relative to the reuse of existing structures.

Material Alteration Reference Number 15.3

Chapter 15
Section: 15.7.3 Climate Action and Energy Statement
Page: 676, insert new bullet point, after ‘heat pumps’, to read

  • {include an assessment of embodied energy impacts}
Material Alteration Reference Number 15.4

Chapter 15
Section: 15.8.1 Quality/Making Sustainable Neighbourhoods
Page: 680, 2nd paragraph

Proposals should have regard to the following guidelines in the making of sustainable neighbourhoods, as well as the principles and key characteristics of a good neighbourhood including {‘Quality Housing for Sustainable Communities: Design Guidelines’ (2007),} ‘Sustainable Residential Developments in Urban Areas: Guidelines for Planning Authorities’ (2009) and accompanying ‘Urban Design Manual (2010)’, (the)Local Area Plans - Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2013), (the) NTA Permeability Best Practice Guide (2015), (the) Sustainable Urban Housing; {Design standards for New Apartments} (Guidelines) ((2018){2020}) (and the) Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets (2019) and {Design Manual for Quality Housing (2022)}.

Material Alteration Reference Number 15.5

Chapter 15
Section: 15.8.8 Play Infrastructure
Page: 688, amend last bullet point and insert additional bullet point


Amend last bullet point to read:

"invest in {and prioritise} universal design to support accessible and inclusive opportunities to play {with regard to input from relevant representative organisations}"

Insert additional bullet point to list

  • {Increase and enhance passive surveillance.}
Material Alteration Reference Number 15.6

Chapter 15
Section: 15.9.1 Unit Mix
Page: 692, last paragraph


SPPR 2 provides some flexibility in terms of unit mix for building refurbishment schemes on sites of any size, urban infill schemes on sites up to 0.25 ha, schemes up to 9 units and for schemes between 10 and 49 units. The Planning Authority will assess each application having regard to SPPR 2 on a case by case basis. For further details, please refer to The Sustainable Urban Housing: Design Standards for New Apartments (December 2020) guidelines. {For clarity, in accordance with SPPR 8, the unit mix requirement for the North Inner City and Liberties Sub-City Areas does not apply to units that are designed to a BTR standard.}

Material Alteration Reference Number 15.7

Chapter 15
Section: 15.9.2 Unit Size / Layout
Page: 693, 4th paragraph


The majority of all apartments in any proposed scheme of 10 or more apartments (excluding Build to Rent accommodation) shall exceed the minimum floor area types, by a minimum of 10% (any studio apartments must be included in the total, but are not included as units that exceed the minimum by at least 10%). (The layout of the larger units of each type should be designed in accordance with the guidance set out in Universal Design Guidelines for Homes in Ireland 2015. ) {In accordance with the Housing Options for an Ageing Population Policy Statement 2019, 50% of the apartments that are in excess of the minimum sizes should be designed in accordance with the guidance set out in Universal Design Guidelines for Homes in Ireland 2015 to ensure that they are suitable for older people, mobility impaired people and people with disabilities.}

Material Alteration Reference Number 15.8

Chapter 15
Section: 15.10 Build to Rent Residential Developments (BTR)
Page: 706


“Build to Rent” (BTR) refers to purpose built residential accommodation and associated amenities built specifically for long term rental that is managed and serviced in an institutional manner by an institutional landlord. Recent emerging trends would indicate that the dominance of BTR in large schemes can be to the detriment of {standard designed apartment}(the build to sell) units. Dublin City Council will consider “Built to Rent” developments in specific locations as follows:

  • (Within the Inner City (i.e. within the canal ring)).
  • Within 500m walking distance of a high employment area i.e. more than 500 employees per hectare.
  • Within 500m of major public transport interchanges (e.g. Connolly Station, Tara Street Station and Heuston Station), and within identified Strategic Development Regenerations {Areas}(Zones).

There will be a general presumption against large scale residential developments (in excess of 100 units) which comprise of 100% BTR typology. To ensure a sustainable mix of tenure and long term sustainable communities, minimum of (40 %) {60%} of standard build to sell apartments will be required in such instances.

{Please refer to section 5.5.7 of this City Development Plan – Policy QHSN38.}

BTR schemes of less than 100 units will generally not be supported. The concept of Built to Rent requires a critical mass of accommodation to provide a meaningful provision of communal facilities and services. Smaller BTR schemes with less than 100 units will only be considered where it can be demonstrated that there is a strong need for the development and a detailed justification is provided.

Furthermore, whilst BTR is considered to be an integral part in achieving an appropriate mix of housing in the right locations, there will be a presumption against the proliferation and over concentration of Build to Rent development in any one area (refer to Section 5.5.7 of Chapter 5 Quality Housing and Sustainable Neighbourhoods). Applications for “Build to Rent” developments should be accompanied by as assessment of other permitted {and proposed} BTR developments {within a} (in the vicinity) {1km} ((3km)) {radius} of the site to demonstrate:

  • that the development would not result in the over concentration of one housing tenure in a particular area.
  • {how the development supports housing need, particularly with regard to tenure, unit size and accessibility with particular reference to the Dublin City Council Housing Need and Demand Assessment.}
Material Alteration Reference Number 15.9

Chapter 15
Section: Daylight and Sunlight
Page: 711, 1st paragraph


Student accommodation should be designed to give optimum orientation in terms of daylight to habitable rooms. Given the nature of student occupancy, the residential standards in relation to dual aspect may be relaxed. Proposed developments shall be guided by the principles {and standards set out in Appendix 16}. (of Site Layout Planning for Daylight and Sunlight, A Guide to Good Practice (Building Research Establishment Report, 2011). See also Appendix 16)

Material Alteration Reference Number 15.10

Chapter 15
Section: 15.14.1 Hotels and Aparthotels
Page: 724


To {ensure a} (counter) balance {is achieved between the requirement to provide for adequate levels of visitor accommodation and other uses in the city such as residential, social, cultural and economic uses}, there will be a general presumption {against} (to avoid) an overconcentration of hotels and aparthotels{.}

Pending the outcome of (a hotel study) {an analysis of the supply and demand for tourism related accommodation in the Dublin City area (to be carried out by Dublin City Council),} hotels and aparthotels will be considered on a case by case basis having regard to the location of the site and existing hotel provision in the area.

In (certain) {all} instances, where the planning authority deems there to be an overconcentration of such facilities in an area, the applicant will be requested to submit a report indicating all existing and proposed hotel and aparthotel developments within a 1km catchment providing a justification that the development will not undermine the principles of achieving a balanced pattern of development in the area, and demonstrating that the proposed development fully complies with the criteria set out in Policy CEE28 and in Section and below.

Material Alteration Reference Number 15.11

Chapter 15
Section: 15.14.4 Office
Page: 727, 3rd paragraph


Large scale office schemes, in excess of 5,000 sq. m., will be required to provide for an element of high quality, public open space or contribute to the public realm of the area through landscaped features such as roof terraces, courtyard gardens and enhanced amenity at street level. {For schemes less than 5,000 sq. metres, a high quality environment should be provided where feasible through measures such as landscaping and public realm enhancements.}  Such proposals should be accompanied by a landscape design report in this regard which demonstrates how the proposals contribute to the natural and built environment. {As part of the Architectural Design Statement for larger office schemes, an assessment should be provided as to how the development would impact on other buildings in close proximity.}

Material Alteration Reference Number 15.12

Chapter 15
Section: 15.14.14 Data Centres
Page: 735-736, 3rd paragraph, insert additional bullet point


The following points shall be considered in accessing applications for data centres:

  • {Compliance with any update of national policy and regulatory measures to manage demand from large energy users, such as data centres, in the context of climate targets and future network needs.}
Material Alteration Reference Number 15.13

Chapter 15
Section: 15.17.2 Public Lighting
Page: 754, 2nd paragraph


The provision of public lighting, including on public roads, shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of with the latest Public Lighting Standards IS EN13201 and further updates and should be designed to minimise the impact on protected species, such as light sensitive bat species in accordance with best practice, the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Bat Mitigation Guidelines for Ireland (2006) and {the Technical Guidance Note on Biodiversity for Development Management in Dublin City (DCC 2021}.(Institution of Lighting Professionals (ILP) Guidance Note 08/18 on Bats and artificial lighting in the UK (2018)).

Material Alteration Reference Number 15.14

Chapter 15
15.18.8 Solar Energy
Page 764, 2nd paragraph


Large scale proposals for solar panels or any development in the vicinity of the airport will be required to submit a Glint and Glare Assessment. Domestic applications will be assessed on a case by case basis. All large scale proposals involving solar panels shall be sent to Irish Aviation Authority {and Dublin Airport Authority} as part of the statutory consultee process.

Material Alteration Reference Number 15.15

Chapter 15
Section: Insert new section – Section 15.19
Page: 767


{15.19 Dublin Port

In assessing proposals for the Dublin Port area, Dublin City Council will have regard to the following:

  • Recognition of the important role of Dublin Port in the economic life of the city and the region and the consequent need in economic and employment terms to facilitate port development.
  • The periphery of the port area facing residential areas shall be designed to minimise the impact of its industrial character.
  • The impact on nature conservation, recreation and amenity use, and other environmental considerations, including having regard to the designation of Dublin Bay as a UNESCO biosphere and other environmental designations such as Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Area (SPA).
  • The protection of the amenities of residential and commercial uses in adjoining areas.
  • Design criteria including appropriate landscaping, finishes, signage, boundary treatments and site layout where development adjoins residential and commercial uses.}


Please see attachment.
Material Alteration Reference Number 15.7: Unit Size / Layout Material Alteration Reference Number 15.8: Build to Rent Residential Developments Material Alteration Reference Number...
Material Alteration Reference Number 15.8: Build to Rent Residential Developments Material Alteration Reference Number 15.7: Unit Size / Layout
HSE CHO DNCC propose that childcare facilities are established in communities on a not-for-profit basis and are affordable and breastfeeding is strategically promoted through the appropriate design...
The District 7 Community Alliance explicitly supports all material alterations suggested under Material Alteration Numbers 15.2, 15.8 and 15.11