Chapter 2: Core strategy

Closed27 Jul, 2022, 09:00 - 1 Sep, 2022, 16:30
Material Alteration Reference Number 2.1

Chapter 2
Section: 2.1.2 Policy Context
Page 54: Figure 2.1

Amendment to Graphic Map:

  • Metro North indicated with a blue dashed line.
Figure 2-1
Figure 2-1
Material Alteration Reference Number 2.2

Chapter 2
Section: 2.2.1 Population and Housing Delivery, subheading Population Growth Patterns
Page: 55, Table 2-1: Population Change and page 56, 1st paragraph


Table 2-1: Population Change

Census year


% increase






+4.2% over 5 years



+5% over 5 years

202(0) {1} CSO population estimate

(595,434) {600,600}

(7.4) {8.3}% over (4){5} years

Source: CSO

The CSO’s 202(0){1}population estimate for the Dublin Region was (1,417,700) {1,430,000} persons. Dublin City Council’s share of the 2016 Census regional population figure for Dublin was approximately 42%. Assuming the same share for the CSO 202(0){1} estimated regional population figure for Dublin, this gives an estimated population figure of (595,434) {600,600} for Dublin City Council in April 202(0){1}. This indicates an estimated (7.4 %) {8.3%} rise in the population of Dublin City over a (four) {five} year period from 2016 through to 202(0){1}.

Material Alteration Reference Number 2.3

Chapter 2
Section: 2.2.1, subheading Summary
Page: 62, first paragraph


Based on the population targets and calculated housing need set out within national and regional planning policy, guidelines and prescribed methodology, the development plan must accommodate between (21,350 - 31,450) {20,120 – 31,520} additional persons up to an overall population target of between 625,750 and 640,000 by 2028. The housing demand calculated sets a requirement for the development plan to provide for approximately 40,000 housing units between 2022 and 2028.

Material Alteration Reference Number 2.4

Chapter 2
Section: 2.3.1 Land Capacity Assessment, subheading - Capacity of SDRA Lands
Page: 64


The SDRA lands are critical to the core Strategy. All SDRAs (both new and previously identified) have been examined to determine capacity for future housing growth, taking into account sustainable densities and relevant SDZs and LAPs where relevant. {This detailed assessment gave a potential yield from the 17 SDRAs of between 34,750 – 35,950 new dwellings on approximately 358 hectares. (Table 13-1 in Chapter 13 shows a breakdown of these figures by individual SDRA).} 

Delete Table 2.8: Capacity of SDRA Designated lands for Residential Use or a Mixture of Residential and Other Uses, and

Replace with new subheading, text and table to this section, before subheading “Capacity of SDRA lands.”

{Integration of the Core Strategy and Settlement Hierarchy

The Core Strategy is shaped and driven by the overall vision outlined in the settlement strategy, with significant new housing delivery framed within the overall settlement hierarchy for the City targeted at (1) the inner city; (2) along key high quality transport corridors as set out by the RSES and MASP and within Key Urban Villages and (3) on key brownfield and infill opportunity sites with the Tier 1 RSES area (which encompasses the entire Council area) to support NPO3a, b and c and NPO11.  The settlement strategy recognises there is a strong overlap between these categories within the hierarchy with many key SDRA sites fitting within two or three elements. 

Table 2.8 - Core Strategy and Settlement Hierarchy

Settlement hierarchy

Relevant SDRAs/Strategic Lands

Character and general density applied*

Proposed Zoned Area

Proposed Residential Yield

Estimated population

Inner City

City Core


(SDRA 6 and KUV)

Mixed use





Dolphin House

(SDRA 12)







(SDRA 8)

Primarily education/health





Heuston and Environs

(SDRA 7)

Mixed use





Liberties & Newmarket Square (SDRA 15)

Mixed use





Markets Area and Environs

(SDRA 13)

Mixed use





North East Inner City

(SDRA 10)

Mixed use





St. Teresa’s Gardens

(SDRA 11)

Residential and open space





Other KUVs- Phibsborough





MASP Corridors

North East Corridor


(SDRA 1 and KUV)

Mixed use





Oscar Traynor Road

(SDRA 16)

Residential and open space





Other KUVs-  Santry (Omni), Northside, Donaghmede

Mixed use




North West Corridor


(SDRA 2 and KUV)

Primarily residential





Finglas Village Environs and Jamestown (SDRA 3 and KUV)

Mixed use






Mixed use regen




South West Corridor

City Edge/Inchicore lands***

Mixed use regen





Emmett Road

(SDRA 9)

Primarily residential





Naas Road

(SDRA 5 and KUV)

Mixed use





Park West and Cherry Orchard (SDRA 4)

Residential and open space





Other KUVs- Ballyfermot, Crumlin

Mixed use




South East Corridor

Other KUVs- Rathmines

Mixed use




Urban Consolidation

City centre within M50

Infill/smaller scale Brownfield and opportunity sites

Primarily residential










*Densities from extant LAPs/SDZs/existing permissions are included; over and above that, potential yields outside of these areas are estimated using standard densities of 200 units per hectare (uph) for inner city areas and 100 uph for areas in the suburbs, where sites are primarily residential.  For mixed use zonings the figures are reduced to take account of the impact of other non-residential developments.

**Refers to primarily student and supported residential accommodation.

KUVs outside of SDRAs present opportunities for some densification and infill, however the housing yield this is not quantified due to the highly speculative and underdetermined nature of such estimation.

*** these lands are not yet zoned for residential purposes but it is anticipated that they will, through the variation process, come forward for first phase of development during the lifetime of the Plan.}

Material Alteration Reference Number 2.5

Chapter 2
Section: 2.3 Core Strategy
Page: 64


Replace within Table 2-8 and adjust table and relevant figures accordingly.

SDRA 11 St. Teresa’s Gardens; (estimated capacity) (950) {1,500}; (area Hectares) 13.4.

Material Alteration Reference Number 2.6

Chapter 2
Section: 2.3.3 Housing Strategy and HNDA – subheading Housing Strategy
Page: 68, add additional paragraph at end of subsection

{The conclusion of the HNDA and Housing Strategy is that there is a requirement for the full 20% complement of social housing to be provided under the provisions of Part V. The HNDA modelling indicates that over the six-year plan period of 2023-2028, there is an estimated need for 10,247 social homes in Dublin City as well as 7,887 affordable homes; 4,997 households are estimated to be able to access private ownership in Dublin City, while 4,088 households are estimated to be able to meet their needs in the private rental market.}

Material Alteration Reference Number 2.7

Chapter 2
Section: 2.3.5 Future Development Areas, 2nd paragraph
Page: 69


Two significant areas identified in the Z6 and Z7 zoned lands study remain mostly zoned Z6 within the development plan:

  • Kylemore Road/Naas Road lands {(currently the focus of the City Edge Project, see} and
  • Glasnevin (the Dublin Industrial Estate and surrounding lands).
Material Alteration Reference Number 2.8

Chapter 2
Section: 2.3.5 Future Development Areas
Page: 69, 3rd paragraph


Delete 3rd Paragraph -

(It is the intent of the Council that, following feasibility studies and/or the preparation of a local area plan (or if designated, a Strategic Development Zone) that these industrial lands will be brought forward as regeneration lands during the lifetime of the development plan.)

and replace with:

{It is the intention of Dublin City Council, following the completion of feasibility studies for these industrial lands, to seek Government approval for the appropriate statutory designation of these lands and to bring forward the early regeneration of these strategic lands.}

Material Alteration Reference Number 2.9

Chapter 2
Section: 2.4, Settlement Strategy 
Page: 70


Insert additional text after first paragraph

{Dublin City Council has a unique position in relation to applying the RSES Settlement Hierarchy in that the entire area of the Council falls within Tier 1.}  

Insert additional text to end of paragraph 2

{Table 2-8 in Section 2.4 below contains the Core Strategy for the city, incorporating the settlement hierarchy for the city as thus outlined.}

Move Section 2.4: Settlement Strategy to page 62 so it is now Section 2.3 Settlement Strategy. Subsequent heading numbering 2.5 to be amended accordingly.

Material Alteration Reference Number 2.10

Chapter 2
Section: 2.7.1 Plan Making, subheading Priority LAPs
Page: 75


Amend heading text for sub-section and for Table 2-13.

(Priority LAPs)

{Priority Statutory Local Plans[2]}

Table 2-13: Schedule of (Local Area Plans) {Statutory Local Plans} to be Commenced over the Plan Period.

Material Alteration Reference Number 2.11

Chapter 2
Section: 2.7.1 Plan Making
Page: 76, Objective CSO2


Objective CSO2 Local Statutory Plan for lands at Kylemore Road/Naas Road and Ballymount {(City Edge)}

{In accordance with the objectives of the City Edge Project}, to prepare a local statutory plan in conjunction with South Dublin County Council for lands at Kylemore Road/Naas Road and Ballymount lands to enable a co-ordinated and phased development on these lands over the medium to long term.

Material Alteration Reference Number 2.12

Chapter 2
Section: 2.7.1, subheading Other Local Area Plans/ Village Improvement Plans (VIPS)
Page: 76


In addition to the above priority list of LAPs to be progressed over the development plan period, it is proposed to prepare a number of other Local Area Plans and/or Village Improvement Plans (VIPs) as set out in Table 2-14 below, subject to resources. {It should be noted that in the absence of an LAP, developments will be considered through the development management process in accordance with the policies and objectives of the Development Plan.}

Material Alteration Reference Number 2.13

Chapter 2
Section: 2.7.1 Plan Making, subheading Local Environmental Improvement Plans/Local Strategies
Page: 77


Other plans such as the (Dorset Street Together Plan) {Greater Dorset Street Plan}is an example of a local initiative that could be used to inform the future LEIP for this area.

Material Alteration Reference Number 2.14

Chapter 2
Section: 2.7.1 Plan Making
Page 78: Table 2-15 List of Proposed Local Environmental Improvement Plans (LEIPs)


New row to Table 2-15 with new text {Richmond Road} and re-order alphabetically and re-number accordingly.

Material Alteration Reference Number 2.15

Chapter 2
Section: 2.7.1 Plan Making
Page 78: Table 2-15 List of Proposed Local Environmental Improvement Plans (LEIPs)


New row to Table 2-15 with new text {South Georgian Core} and re-order alphabetically and re-number accordingly.

Material Alteration Reference Number 2.16

Chapter 2
Section: 2.7.5 Enhanced Co-ordination
Page: 83, Objective CSO14


Objective CSO14 Co-ordinated Approach to Future Development of Strategic Growth Areas

To facilitate a co-ordinated approach to the future development of strategic growth areas including the Naas Road area {(City Edge Project)}, lands at Dunsink and the Belmayne-Clongriffin area, with South Dublin County Council, Fingal County Council respectively and relevant stakeholders.


Please see attached.
Core Strategy Material Alteration Reference Number 2.2: Population & Housing Delivery
The District 7 Community Alliance explicitly supports all material alterations suggested under Material Alteration Number 2.13
The Broadstone Together group explicitly supports all material alterations suggested under Material Alteration Number 2.13
Please refer to the attached submission made on behalf of Colorman (Ireland) Ltd. in respect of the proposed Material Alterations of the Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028.