Chapter 10: Green infrastructure and recreation

Closed27 Jul, 2022, 09:00 - 1 Sep, 2022, 16:30
Material Alteration Reference Number 10.1

Chapter 10
Section: 10.2 Achievements
Page: 349, 2nd paragraph


The challenges associated with green infrastructure deficits, particularly within the city centre, are being tackled in recent years through the implementation of area-based greening strategies. The first greening strategy commenced in 2015 in The Liberties and, since then, (three) {two} more have followed: North-East Inner City (NEIC) and Stoneybatter. (and the Markets Area.)

Material Alteration Reference Number 10.2

Chapter 10
Section: 10.5.1 Green Infrastructure
Page: 358, Policy GI5


Policy GI5 Greening of Public Realm / Streets

To integrate urban greening features including nature based solutions into the existing public realm where feasible and into the design of public realm projects for civic spaces and streets. The installation of living green walls will be encouraged to the fullest possible extent throughout the city of Dublin {and tree pits with mixed planting will be preferred for the greening of streets in recognition of the co-benefits they offer for SuDs, biodiversity, amenity value and traffic calming.}

Material Alteration Reference Number 10.3

Chapter 10
Section: 10.5.1 Green Infrastructure
Page: 359, Objective GIO1


Objective GIO1 Green Roof Guidance Document (2021)

The use of green / blue roofs in developments will be in accordance with the requirements of the Dublin City Council Green {and Blue} Roof {Guide}(ance) Document (2021), see Appendix 11.

Material Alteration Reference Number 10.4

Chapter 10
Section: 10.5.1 Green Infrastructure
Page: 359, Objective GIO6


Objective GIO6 Metropolitan and Local Greenways

To support the development of the following metropolitan greenways and local cycleways / walkways:

  • Royal Canal and the Grand Canal (including the inner Grand/Royal canal loop linking the two canals via the Phoenix Park).
  • Rivers Liffey (Dublin Galway Euro route) Dodder ({Ringsend} to Dublin Mountains).
  • Coastal corridor.
  • Local routes and extension of existing routes including along the Rivers Tolka, Santry, Poddle, Camac and Mayne.
Material Alteration Reference Number 10.5

Chapter 10
Section: 10.5.2 Biodiversity
Page: 363, Policy GI16


Policy GI16 Habitat Creation and New Development

That new development {s (as appropriate) will be required to support local biodiversity and} (should provide opportunities to) incorporate biodiversity improvements through urban greening and the use of nature-based infrastructural solutions that are of particular relevance and benefit in an urban context. Opportunities should be taken as part of new development to provide a net gain in biodiversity {and provide links to the wider Green Infrastructure network. All suitable new buildings will be required to incorporate swift nesting blocks into the building fabric.}

Material Alteration Reference Number 10.6

Chapter 10
Section: 10.5.2 Biodiversity
Page: 365, Figure 10-2: SPA/SAC/pNHA Map

Amendment to Graphic Map:

  • Inclusion of Royal and Grand Canals.
Figure 10.2

Figure 10.2

Material Alteration Reference Number 10.7

Chapter 10
Section: 10.5.4 Parks and Open Spaces
Page: 371, Objective GIO28


GIO28 Urban Farming and Food Production

  1. To support the provision of urban farming and food production initiatives, where feasible, and in particular, on the roofs of buildings, as temporary uses on vacant, under-utilised or derelict sites in the city and in peripheral urban areas / near M50, and in residential developments;
  2. (To seek to)  {To commit to} increase the provision of allotments in the city (in the order of 100%) {by at least 100% if feasibly possible};
  3. To carry out a survey of underutilised open spaces for community gardens with a view to identifying areas in the city appropriate and suitable for community gardens.
Material Alteration Reference Number 10.8

Chapter 10
Section: 10.5.4 Parks and Open Spaces
Page: 371, Objective GIO29


Objective GIO29 Scully’s Field

To promote and actively pursue the development of a {primarily wooded} park in the area known as Scully’s Field between Clonskeagh and Miltown, while ensuring the conservation of {its} existing {character and}biodiversity.  {Dublin City Council will seek to prepare a masterplan for Scully’s Field and environs, to enable the creation of an enhanced public space/park/ nature space at Scully’s Field and environs and consideration of the feasibility of limited development subject to environmental and flooding considerations, in conjunction with all relevant land owners}.

Material Alteration Reference Number 10.9

Section: 10.5.4 Parks and Open Spaces 
Page: 371 Insert a New Objective after GIO30, subsequent numbering to be amended accordingly


{Objective - Mount Bernard Park

To seek to expand Mount Bernard Park northwards to the Royal Canal, with a bridge connecting with the Green Way}

Material Alteration Reference Number 10.10

Chapter 10
Section: 10.5.5 Rivers and Canals
Page: 374, Policy GI33


Policy GI33 River Liffey

To recognise the unique character, importance and potential of the River Liffey to the city and to protect and enhance its civic, ecological, amenity, historical and cultural connections. To promote the sustainable development of this key resource for amenity and recreational uses in and along the river and its development as a green corridor in the city.  {In this regard, Dublin City Council will work with river based organisations and relevant stakeholders who use the river.}

Material Alteration Reference Number 10.11

Chapter 10
Section 10.5.5 Rivers and Canals
Page 374, Objective GIO34


Objective GIO34 Water Animation Strategy Docklands

To support the implementation of the North Lotts and Grand Canal Dock SDZ Docklands Water Animation Strategy 2018 to promote the Dublin Docklands as a significant water focussed amenity and the sustainable use of the waterways as an integral part of the vitality and experience of Dublin Docklands, that enhances the area as a world class destination for living, doing business, tourism, leisure and cultural activities; {and to explore the possibility of a new cultural space as part of the development of Georges Dock Basin. The Council commits to liaise and work with the Docklands Oversight and Advisory Committee and other relevant bodies in relation to proposals in George’s Dock.}

Material Alteration Reference Number 10.12

Chapter 10
Section: 10.5.6 The Coast and Dublin Bay UNESCO Biosphere
Page: 376, Objective GIO36


Objective GIO36 Bathing Beaches and Blue Flag Status

To maintain beaches for bathing at Dollymount {and} Sandymount {Strand}(, Merrion and Poolbeg/Shelly Banks) to a high standard and to protect and improve water quality and bathing facilities in order to bring them to ‘Blue Flag’ standard.

Material Alteration Reference Number 10.13

Chapter 10
Section: 10.5.6 The Coast and Dublin Bay UNESCO Biosphere
Page: 377, Objective GIO37


Objective GIO37 Dublin Bay Discovery Centre

To develop an accessible Discovery Centre for Dublin Bay (at North Bull Island) for education, interpretation, visitor management and research to support the nature conservation objectives of the North Bull Island Nature Reserve, the vision of the Dublin Bay UNESCO Biosphere and the criteria for biosphere reserves of the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme.

Material Alteration Reference Number 10.14

Chapter 10
Section: 10.5.7 Urban Forest
Page: 379, Objective GIO42


Objective GIO42 Urban Tree Canopy Plan

To support the preparation of an Urban Tree Canopy Plan for the City Centre Area and Inner City in the lifetime of this plan}.  To increase the tree canopy cover to a minimum of 10% in all areas with an emphasis in increasing the tree canopy cover in areas where there is a deficit, and a minimum of 5% each year in the city centre {(a minimum of 5% over 6 years = a minimum of 30% over the life time of the plan)}.

Material Alteration Reference Number 10.15

Section: 10.5.8 Sport Recreation and Play  
Page: 382, add to 1st paragraph


Figure 10-5 identifies and maps the strategic Public Rights of Way (PROW) in the city. Many of these PROW incorporate / will incorporate Metropolitan Greenways {or other public domain areas} thereby, promoting and enabling wider regional recreation and tourism objectives and also sustainable travel modes.

Material Alteration Reference Number 10.16

Chapter 10
Section: 10.5.8 Sport Recreation and Play
Page: 383, Policy GI52


Policy GI52 Children’s Playing facilities in New Residential {and Mixed} Developments

To seek the provision of children’s playing facilities in new residential developments {and mixed developments with a residential element}. To provide playgrounds to an appropriate standard of amenity, safety, and accessibility and to create safe and accessible places for socialising and informal play.

Material Alteration Reference Number 10.17

Section: 10.5.8 Sport, Recreation and Play 
Objective GIO51 Dalymount Park
Page: 384


GIO51 Dalymount Park {,Tolka Park and St. Patrick’s Athletic FC Richmond Park}

To redevelop Dalymount Park, {Tolka Park and St. Patrick’s Athletic FC Richmond Park soccer stadia}providing enhanced sporting, recreational and community amenities and as part of this development {plan} to celebrate the rich sporting history of {these sites}.

Material Alteration Reference Number 10.18

Chapter 10
Section: 10.5.8 Sport, Recreation and Play
Page: 384, Objective GIO53


Objective GIO53 Water Sports and Leisure Activities

To support the development of a public lido {at George’s Dock, and to strive to achieve this within the first three years of the Development Plan being adopted,} and to provide other water sports and leisure activities in the city centre and {at the liffey, canals and other key water bodies}

Material Alteration Reference Number 10.19

Chapter 10
Figure 10.5 Public Rights of Way
Page: 385, amendments to Graphic map

Amendment to Graphic Map:

  • Corrections to Legend

Please see attachment.
Material Alteration Reference Number 10.11: Rivers and Canals Material Alteration Reference Number 10.18: Sport, Recreation and Play
Highly support the construction of an outdoor Lido in George's Dock. What a wonderful amenity this would be. We need public amenities in the city centre, not consumptive amenities. 
Please see letter attached.
RE:Policy GI16 Habitat Creation and New Development That new development {s (as appropriate) will be required to support local biodiversity and} (should provide opportunities to) incorporate...