Material Alterations to Draft Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028

Closed27 Jul, 2022, 09:00 - 1 Sep, 2022, 16:30

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Material Alterations to the Draft Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028


The Draft Dublin City Development Plan 2022‐2028 was placed on public display from the 29th of November 2021 to the 14th of February 2022. A total of 4,323 submissions and observations were received during the prescribed period in response to this stage of public consultation.

In accordance with the requirements of Section 12(4)(b) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), a Chief Executive’s Report was prepared, which summarised and detailed the submissions received on the Draft City Development Plan and provided the response and recommendations of the Chief Executive to the issues raised for the members to consider.

On foot of this report, motions were received from the elected members and a further CE Report providing a response and recommendations on these motions was issued on the 24th of June 2022 (Report No. 120/2022).

The Members of Dublin City Council, having considered the Draft City Development Plan 2022‐2028 and the Chief Executive’s Report on submissions received, under Section 12(b) of the Planning Act 2000 as amended, resolved at the special Council meeting held on the 5th, 6th and 7th of July 2022 to amend the Draft City Development Plan.  A number of these amendments constitute material alterations to the Draft City Development Plan.  Accordingly, the Council resolved to place the material alterations on public display for a period of not less than 4 weeks, in accordance with Section 12(7)(b) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended).

Proposed Material Alterations to the Draft Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028

This document details the proposed material alterations in order to inform and assist the public and other interested parties in consideration of the proposed material alterations to the Draft City Development Plan.

Written observations or submissions, submitted during the consultation period, (27th July to 4.30 pm 1st September 2022) regarding the proposed material alterations and the likely significant effects on the environment of their implementation will be taken into consideration at this stage in the development plan process.  After the consultation period ends, the Chief Executive will prepare a report on all submissions and observations received during the prescribed period and submit the report to the Elected Members by 29th September for their consideration. Having considered the proposed material alterations to the Draft Plan and the Chief Executive’s Report on submissions received, the Elected Members will make the Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028 with or without amendment, at the end of October (date to be confirmed).

How to Make a Submission/Observation

Written observations or submissions regarding the proposed material alterations only must be received between Wednesday 27th July 2022 and 4.30pm Thursday 1st September 2022.

  • In writing to: Development Plan Team, Planning & Property Development Department, Block 4 Floor 3, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8, D08 RF3F

Submissions/observations should be made by one medium only and should refer to

  • Proposed Material Alteration Reference number (s) as shown in the document.
  • Full Name & Address of person making submission/observation.
  • Details of organisation/community group/company which you represent where relevant.

If you require any assistance you can contact a member of the Development Plan team on:

Tel: 01 222 3086.


How this document is organised

Written Statement, Appendices and RPS: The proposed material alterations to the Written Statement of the Draft Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028 are set out in Volume 1 of this document, while proposed material alterations to the Appendices are set out in Volume 2 and to the RPS in Volume 4.

Material Alterations to the text of the Draft Plan are assigned a Material Alteration Reference Number. Their location in the Draft City Development Plan is indicated where applicable (any references to page numbers are to the Draft Dublin City Development Plan page number).

Proposals to add text to the Draft Plan are shown by way of bold green and underlined text.

Proposals to delete text are shown in bold red text with strikethrough.

A number of proposed alterations may contain a mix of deleted text and new text which would contain both red strikethrough and green text.

To assist those utilising a screen reader:

Alterations are enclosed with brackets with the following format: { }

Deletions are enclosed with brackets with the following format: ()

Please note, if you are using a screen reader, the level of punctuation may need to be amended throughout the text in order to identify these brackets correctly.

See example below:

Material Alteration Reference Number ES: 1.1

Executive Summary
Section: Chapter 2: Core Strategy
Page: 5, third paragraph on ‘population targets’


The plan considers Population Targets. It uses the national guidelines on how to calculate likely population increase. By 2028, the city must accommodate between (21,350 - 31,450) {20,120 – 31,520} additional people, up to an overall population target of between 625,750 and 640,000 people by 2028.

Additions to the text is shown in green, underlined with {}, while deletions to text is shown in red with strikethrough and () brackets.


Mapping: The proposed material alterations to the maps of the Draft Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028 are set out separately in Volume 3. These maps show the sites subject to rezoning. The Map Reference Number should be referenced when referring to maps when making a submission or observation. Map J, K and L are published in their entirety and a summary of key amendments to these maps is set out in Volume 3. Please note that the numbering of map amendments follows the numbering from the Draft Plan stage and is, therefore, not necessarily in sequential order.

Accompanying Documents: The details of the proposed material alterations to the Environmental Assessments and Reports (Volumes 5-7) of the Draft Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2022 are set out as separate documents. This includes the SEA Screening Determination and amended SEA Environmental Report (which includes information on the likely significant effects on the environment of implementing relevant alterations), amended SEA Non-Technical Summary, AA Screening Determination and amended AA Natura Impact Report and amended SFRA .

The material alterations are made on foot of the CE Report dated the 29th of April (Report No. 119/2022), the CE report dated the 24th of June (Report No. 120/2022) and the outcome of the Special Council meetings held between the 5th and 7th of July 2022.

Please note that data set out in Chapter 2 – the Core Strategy regarding the census and information from the Dublin Task Force returns will be updated prior to final publication to reflect the most up to date information available at that time.

Final amendments and updates to the zoning maps will be made in the final publication including any necessary updates to the legend and to include all relevant SDZ and LAP boundaries.

Non material alterations such as dates of Draft Documents, updated names of Departments or any publications will also be updated and included in the final version of the Plan.

Environmental Reports

The proposed material amendments to the Draft Plan have been assessed in terms of their potential for impact on the environment, European Sites and areas at risk of flooding. These assessments are detailed in the following environmental reports and determinations:

Volume 5 - Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Environmental Report, Draft Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028 – Material Amendments Stage, 27th July 2022

An amended SEA Environmental Report (and an amended SEA Non-Technical Summary) provides information on the likely significant effects on the environment of implementing the proposed material amendments.  This been prepared in accordance with the Planning and Development (Strategic Environmental Assessment) Regulations 2004 (as amended).

An SEA Screening Determination made regarding the material amendments to the draft Dublin City Development Plan 2022 – 2028 accompanies this report.

Volume 6 – Natura Impact Report for the Dublin City Development Plan 2022 – 2028 – Material Amendments Stage, 27th July 2022

The amended NIR provides information in support of the appropriate assessment of the plan in accordance with Article 6 of the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC), including the proposed material alterations.

An AA Determination, on whether or not the draft Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028 would adversely affect the integrity of any European site, in accordance with Section 177 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended, accompanies the NIR. An AA Determination regarding the requirement or not for appropriate assessment of the proposed material alterations of the draft Dublin City Development Plan 2022 – 2028, in accordance with Section 12 (7) (aa) of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended, accompanies the NIR.

Volume 7 – Updated SFRA for Dublin City Development Plan 2022 – 2028 – Material Amendments Stage, 27th July 2022

The proposed amendments are accompanied by an updated Strategic Flood Risk Assessment which also provides a Stage 1 flood risk identification assessment of the proposed zoning amendments.

