Chapter 3: Climate action
Material Alteration Reference Number 3.1 |
Chapter 3
Section: 3.1 Introduction, subheading – International, National and Local Climate Policy
Page: 91
(Nationally, the government’s 2019 Climate Action Plan (CAP) provides a detailed framework which identified how Ireland will achieve its 2030 targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30% compared with 2005 limits. This target was increased to 51% under ‘Our Shared Future’, the 2020 programme for government.) {Nationally, a climate and biodiversity emergency was declared by Dáil Éireann and Dublin City Council in 2019. Subsequently, the government’s 2021 Climate Action Plan (CAP) provides a detailed framework which identified how Ireland will achieve a 51% reduction in Ireland's overall GHG emissions from 2021 to 2030, and to achieving net-zero emissions no later than 2050. These legally-binding objectives are set out in the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Act 2021.} The CAP commits to delivering a just transition, recognising the significant level of change required and that the burden must be as fairly distributed as possible.
In addition, under the National Adaptation Framework, twelve Sectoral Adaptation Plans were published by various government departments in 2019, setting out key risks faced across the different sectors and the approach being taken to address these risks and build climate resilience for the future.
(More recently, the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Bill 2021 has been adopted, putting Ireland on a legally binding path to net-Zero emissions no later than 2050, and to a 51% reduction in emissions (relative to a baseline of 2018) by the end of this decade.)
Material Alteration Reference Number 3.2 |
Chapter 3
Section: 3.1 Introduction, subheading–International, National and Local Climate Policy
Page: 91, include the following paragraph above the final paragraph
{The Climate Action Plan for Dublin City Council sets a target of 40% reduction in the Council’s greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. As a signatory to the Covenant of Mayors Dublin City has a more ambitious target of 55% by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2050, in line with the EU Green Deal ambitions.} The CCAP is a key element of the Council’s strategic approach to climate action and has informed and guided the policies and objectives contained in this development plan.
Material Alteration Reference Number 3.3 |
Chapter 3
Section: 3.2 Achievements, subheading Energy Performance
Page: 95
Add the following to paragraph Energy Performance Contracting, to read:
{Based on the success of Energy Performance Contracting, Dublin City Council is planning to collaborate with the 4 Dublin Local Authorities to aggregate and scale EPCs for our significant energy users, to assist us achieve our 2030 targets.}
Material Alteration Reference Number 3.4 |
Chapter 3
Section: 3.5 Policies and Objectives
Page: 97, final paragraph
As climate action policy continues to develop with the publication of the Draft Development Plan Guidelines for Planning Authorities and (the anticipated introduction of new climate action legislation) {annual updates to the National Climate Action Plan}, Dublin City Council acknowledges that it may be necessary to adapt policies in future in order to ensure full compliance with any new legislative or policy requirements.
Material Alteration Reference Number 3.5 |
Chapter 3
Section: 3.5 Policies and Objectives
Page: 98, Policy CA1
Policy CA1 National Climate Action Policy
To support the implementation of national objectives on climate change including the (‘Climate Action Plan 2019 to Tackle Climate Breakdown’) {‘Climate Action Plan 2021: Securing Our Future’ (including any subsequent updates to or replacement thereof)}, the ‘National Adaptation Framework’ 2018 and the ‘National Energy and Climate Plan for Ireland 2021‑2030’ and other relevant policy and legislation.
Material Alteration Reference Number 3.6 |
Chapter 3
Section: 3.5 Policies and Objectives
Page 98, Policy CA2
Policy CA2 Mitigation and Adaptation
To prioritise {and implement} measures to address climate change by both effective mitigation and adaptation responses in accordance with available guidance and best practice.
Material Alteration Reference Number 3.7 |
Chapter 3
Section: 3.5.1 Sustainable Settlement Patterns
Page: 100, insert new Policy after CA3, subsequent numbering to be amended accordingly
{Policy - Improving Mobility Links in Existing Areas
To support retrofitting of existing built-up areas with measures which will contribute to their meeting the objective of a low-carbon city, such as reopening closed walking and cycling links or providing new links between existing areas.}
Material Alteration Reference Number 3.8 |
Chapter 3
Section: 3.5.1 Sustainable Settlement Patterns
Page: 100, Policy CA4
Policy CA4 Climate Mitigation and Adaptation in Strategic Growth Areas
To ensure {that all} new development (in strategic growth areas) including {in} Strategic Development and Regeneration Areas integrate(s) appropriate climate mitigation and adaptation measures. {See also Section 15.4.3. Sustainability and Climate Action and Section 15.7.3 Climate Action and Energy Statement.}
Material Alteration Reference Number 3.9 |
Chapter 3
Section: 3.5.2 The Built Environment
Page: 100, last paragraph
In line with this overall approach, proposals for major retrofitting of existing buildings should seek to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, improve the efficiency of resource use (such as water) and minimise the generation of pollution and waste from existing building stock. Such retrofitting projects should also seek to use innovative energy efficiency measures, such as decentralised and renewable energy in order to further reduce their carbon footprint. {In this regard, some 9,000 DCC homes have already had energy upgrades as part of an ongoing energy upgrade programme.}
Material Alteration Reference Number 3.10 |
Chapter 3
Section: 3.5.2 The Built Environment
Page: 102, Policy CA5
Policy CA5 Retrofitting and Reuse of Existing Buildings
To promote and support the retrofitting and reuse of existing buildings rather than their demolition and reconstruction, where possible (.) {See Section 15.7.1 Re-use of Existing Buildings in Chapter 15 Development Standards}.
Material Alteration Reference Number 3.11 |
Chapter 3
Section: 3.5.2 The Built Environment
Page 103, Policy CA7
To (promote) {require} low carbon development in the city which will seek to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and which will meet the highest feasible environmental standards during construction and occupation (.) {, see Section 15.7.1 when dealing with development proposals.} New development should generally demonstrate/ provide for:…..
Material Alteration Reference Number 3.12 |
Chapter 3
Section: 3.5.2 The Built Environment
Page 103, Policy CA8, 1st paragraph and part (f)
It is the Policy of Dublin City Council:
Development proposals (should) {must} demonstrate sustainable, {climate adaptation, circular} design principles for new buildings / services / site. The Council will promote and support development which is resilient to climate change…etc.
f. promoting {, developing} and protecting biodiversity, {novel urban ecosystems} and green infrastructure.
Material Alteration Reference Number 3.13 |
Chapter 3
Section: 3.5.3 Energy, sub-heading Renewable Energy
Page: 104, 2nd paragraph
(The National Climate Action Plan includes a commitment that 70% of our electricity needs will come from renewable sources by 2030. The plan states that achieving this target will involve phasing out coal and peat‑fired electricity generation plants, increasing our renewable electricity, reinforcing our grid (including greater interconnection to allow electricity to flow between Ireland and other countries), and putting systems in place to manage intermittent sources of power, especially from wind.)
{The National Climate Action Plan includes a target to increase the share of electricity demand generated from renewable sources to up to 80% where achievable and cost effective, without compromising security of electricity supply. The plan outlines a number of measures to deliver this target including the decarbonisation of our energy systems, reinforcing and upgrading our grid, a new approach to electricity demand management, large scale investment in renewable energy generation, micro-generation and community-based projects, as well as other supporting measures.}
Material Alteration Reference Number 3.14 |
Chapter 3
Section 3.5.3 Energy
Page: 106, Policy CA10
Policy CA10 Energy from Renewable Sources
To support {, encourage and facilitate} the production of energy from renewable sources, such as from solar energy, hydro energy, wave/tidal energy, geothermal, wind energy, combined heat and power (CHP), heat energy distribution such as district heating/cooling systems, and any other renewable energy sources, subject to normal planning and environmental considerations.
Material Alteration Reference Number 3.15 |
Chapter 3
Section 3.5.3 Energy
Page: 106, Policy CA11
Policy CA11 Micro-Renewable Energy Production
To support {, encourage and facilitate} and encourage the development of small scale wind renewable facilities / micro-renewable energy production.
Material Alteration Reference Number 3.16 |
Chapter 3
Section 3.5.3 Energy
Page: 106, Policy CA12
Policy CA12 Offshore Wind -Energy Production
To support {, encourage and facilitate} the implementation of the 2014 ‘Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan’ (OREDP) {and any forthcoming review} and to facilitate infrastructure such as grid facilities on the land side of any renewable energy proposals of the offshore wind resource, where appropriate and having regard to the principles set out in the National Marine Planning Framework.
Material Alteration Reference Number 3.17 |
Chapter 3
Section 3.5.3 Energy
Page: 106, Policy CA13
Policy CA13 Geothermal Energy
To support {, encourage and facilitate} the exploration for, and development of, geothermal energy resources having regard to emerging government policy on geothermal energy.
Material Alteration Reference Number 3.18 |
Chapter 3
Section: 3.5.3 Energy, sun-heading District Heating and Waste Heat, 3rd & 4th paragraphs
Page: 107
(District heating is specifically referred to in the 2019 Climate Action Plan which states in order to realise the potential of district heating the government will take action to: “ensure the potential of district heating is considered in all new developments and in particular in Strategic Development Zones (SDZs)”.
Furthermore, Action 70 of the Climate Action Plan states that the government will “support the delivery of two district heating projects under the Climate Action Fund”, one of which is the Dublin District Heating System (DDHS) centred at Poolbeg and the Docklands.)
{The 2021 National Climate Action Plan is highly supportive of the development of district heating and includes a specific target to deliver up to 2.7 TWh of district heating, with the exact level to be informed by the outcome of a National Heat Study.
The Climate Action Plan includes specific actions relating to district heating including Action 183 "to ensure that national, regional and local planning frameworks encourage and facilitate the development of district heating where appropriate to facilitating compact urban development".
The Climate Action Plan refers to the ongoing work being carried out to inform the development of district heating policy, including the completion of the comprehensive assessment to support the rollout of district heating in Ireland. It also refers to two district heating projects in development, one of which is the Dublin District Heating System (DHS) centred at Poolbeg and the Docklands.}
Material Alteration Reference Number 3.19 |
Chapter 3
Section 3.5.3 Energy
Page: 108, Policy CA15
Policy CA15 The Dublin District Heating System (DDHS)
To support {, encourage and facilitate} the development and expansion of any necessary energy infrastructure which will deliver the low carbon Docklands and Poolbeg catchment of the Dublin District Heating System (DDHS) project including, its pipeline infrastructure and its energy centre with energy storage and back -up heat production.
Material Alteration Reference Number 3.20 |
Chapter 3
Section 3.5.3 Energy
Page: 109, Policy CA16
Policy CA16 Supporting the Potential of District Heating in Dublin City
To support {, encourage and facilitate} the potential of district heating in Dublin City, all Climate Action Energy Statements submitted to the Council (see Policy CA9) shall include an assessment of the technical, environmental and economic feasibility of district or block heating or cooling, particularly where it is based entirely, or partially on energy from renewable and waste heat sources.
Material Alteration Reference Number 3.21 |
Chapter 3
Section: 3.5.3 Energy, subheading Decarbonising Zones
Page: 110
Action (165) {80} of the (2019) Climate Action Plan (also) {2021} identified the need to engage at a local level and included a specific action which requires Local Authorities to identify and develop plans for at least one Decarbonising Zone (DZ) in their administrative area.
Material Alteration Reference Number 3.22 |
Chapter 3
Section 3.5.3 Energy
Page: 112, Policy CA18
Policy CA18 Decarbonising Zones
To support {, encourage and facilitate} the specific polices and projects identified in the Decarbonisation Zone of Ringsend/Irishtown in order to address local low carbon energy, greenhouse gas emissions and climate needs and commit to establishing Decarbonising Zones in each LEA {(Local Electoral Area)} within the lifetime of this plan, with a view to designating all of Dublin City as a decarbonised zone by the end of this Development Plan.
Material Alteration Reference Number 3.23 |
Chapter 3
Section 3.5.3 Energy
Page: 112, Policy CA19
Policy CA19 Strategic Energy Zones
To support {, encourage and facilitate} the designation of potential Strategic Energy Zones in the Dublin City Area in conjunction with the Eastern and Midland Regional Authority.
Material Alteration Reference Number 3.24 |
Chapter 3
Section 3.5.3 Energy
Page: 112, Policy CA20
Policy CA20 Sustainable Energy Communities
To support {, encourage and facilitate} the ongoing efforts and future development of Sustainable Energy Communities in Dublin City through the SEAI ‘Sustainable Energy Communities’ Initiative.
Material Alteration Reference Number 3.25 |
Chapter 3
Section 3.5.3 Energy
Page: 112, Policy CA21
CA21 Dublin Regional Energy Masterplan
To support {, encourage and facilitate} the preparation of the Dublin Regional Energy Masterplan by Codema and to support its implementation in conjunction with neighbouring Dublin Local Authorities, Dublin Metropolitan CARO and other relevant stakeholders.
Material Alteration Reference Number 3.26 |
Chapter 3
Section 3.5.4 Waste
Page 113, Policy CA22
Policy CA22 The Circular Economy
To support the shift towards the circular economy approach as set out in a Waste Action Plan for a Circular Economy 2020 to 2025, Ireland’s National Waste Policy, (or) as updated (.){together with The Whole of Government Circular Economy Strategy 2022- 2023. circular-economy-strategy-2022-2023-living-more-using-less/}
Material Alteration Reference Number 3.27 |
Chapter 3
Section: 3.5.5 Sustainable Transport, subsection on ‘Decarbonising Transport and Electric Vehicles (EVs)’
Page: 114
The (2019) {2021} National Climate Action Plan calls for the combination of measures to influence the spatial pattern of development, urban structure and overall mobility, with low carbon technology measures, such as a significant increase in the EV fleet.
The Plan sets out a government target to accelerate the take up of EV cars and vans so that (Ireland reaches 100% of all new cars and vans being EVs by 2030. This that means approximately one third of all vehicles sold during the decade will be Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) or Plug‑in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV).) {by 2030, there will be 945,000 EVs and low emitting vehicles (LERVs) on the road.}
Material Alteration Reference Number 3.28 |
Chapter 3
Section 3.5.7 Flood Resilience and Water
Page: 117, Policy CA25
Policy CA25 Flood and Water Resource Resilience
To support {, encourage and facilitate} the delivery of soft, green and grey adaptation measures to enhance flood and water resource resilience in the city and support the delivery of grey adaptation measures to enhance flood and water resource resilience where necessary.
Material Alteration Reference Number 3.29 |
Chapter 3
Section 3.5.7 Green Infrastructure and Nature Based Solutions
Page: 118, Policy CA29
Policy CA29 Coastal Zone Management
To support {, encourage and facilitate} coastal zone management measures for adapting to climate change which include restoration of degraded ecosystems, increased flood resilience, water quality improvement, habitat conservation and provision of amenities for the residents and visitors of Dublin City.