Chapter 7: The city centre, urban villages and retail

Closed27 Jul, 2022, 09:00 - 1 Sep, 2022, 16:30
Material Alteration Reference Number 7.1

Chapter 7
Section: 7.3 Challenges, subheading Investment in Key Urban Villages
Page: 244


An opportunity presents itself to facilitate the incubation of indigenous craft, {arts and cultural goods and services}, food production, local farmers markets and the sale of local produce and other local services that can contribute to the vibrancy and occupancy of the key urban villages’ retail core. 

Material Alteration Reference Number 7.2

Chapter 7
Section: 7.5.1 General Retail Policy
Page: 248, Figure 7.1: Retail Strategy

Amendment to Graphic Map:

  • Stoneybatter included as an Urban Village
  • Geographic extent of map extended to the north

Figure 7-1

Material Alteration Reference Number 7.3

Chapter 7
Section: 7.5.1 General Retail Policy
Page: 250, Policy CCUV13


Policy CCUV13 Vacant Units

To promote the temporary use of vacant premises in order to reduce the level of vacancy on streets {in the city’s urban centres including Key Urban Villages} as this can compromise the vitality of urban centres. Temporary uses which can contribute to the economic, social and cultural vitality of the city centre {, Key Urban Villages and other centres} and which allow public access will be encouraged (pending permanent occupancy).

Material Alteration Reference Number 7.4

Chapter 7
Section: 7.5.1 General Retail Policy
Page: 250, Policy CCUV14


Policy CCUV14 Adult Shops, Betting Shops and Gaming Arcades

(To seek to prohibit) {That there will be a presumption against} adult shops, betting shops and gaming arcades in proximity to residential areas, places of public worship and schools and (to seek to prevent){similarly, there will be a presumption against} an excessive concentration of such uses having regard to the existing presence of such retail outlets in an area.

Material Alteration Reference Number 7.5

Chapter 7
Section: 7.5.2 Primacy of the City Centre and Retail Core Area,
Page: 252, Figure 7.2: Dublin City Centre Retail Core, Principal Shopping Streets

Amendment to Graphic Map:

Figure 7.2 Dublin City Centre Retail Core, Principal Shopping Streets, amended to show route through Royal Hibernian Way (RHW) from Dawson Street towards Grafton Street, and Lemon Street as Category 2 Shopping Street 

Figure 7.2

Title: Figure 7.2 Dublin City Centre Retail Core, Principal Shopping Streets - Description: This graphic is amended to show a route through the Royal Hibernian Way from Dawson Street towards Grafton Street and Lemon Street as a Category 2 Shopping Street.

Material Alteration Reference Number 7.6

Chapter 7
Section: 7.5.2 Primacy of the City Centre and Retail Core Area
Page: 253, Policy CCUV18


Policy CCUV18 Residential Development

To encourage, support and promote more residential apartments as part of mixed-use developments or through the reuse / retrofit of the upper floors of existing buildings. The use of upper floors for residential use is supported in principle on Category {1 and} 2 Shopping Streets.

Material Alteration Reference Number 7.7

Chapter 7
Section: 7.5.2 Primacy of the City Centre and Retail Core Area
Page: 253, Policy CCUV19 Parking and the Retail Core


Policy CCUV19 Parking and the Retail Core

To support the re-use and replacement of {multi storey} car parks in the centre of the retail core and to safeguard short term car parking provision for shoppers and visitors at the periphery of the retail core. The redevelopment of central car parks will support public realm improvements and pedestrian priority in the retail core {and can support the retail core and night time economy by providing additional mobility hubsand other innovative transport solutions, see also Policy SMT26 (Chapter 8}.

Material Alteration Reference Number 7.8

Chapter 7
Section: 7.5.2 Primacy of the City Centre and Retail Core Area
Page: 254, Objective CCUVO6


Objective CCUVO6 Car Parks and Last Mile Delivery

To investigate the potential of the use of {multi-storey} car parks in the city centre for micro hubs and distribution centres for ‘last-mile’ delivery as part of the preparation of a Servicing / Logistics Strategy for the city (see also Objective SMT06).

Material Alteration Reference Number 7.9

Chapter 7
Section: 7.5.3, subsection on ‘Key Urban Villages’
Page: 257, 2nd paragraph


Chapter 2: Core Strategy, identifies a number of urban villages which are to be subject to {Local Area Plans (LAPs) /} Village Improvement Plan (VIPs) or Local Environmental Improvement Plans (LEIPs) to be prepared for these centres, as resources permit (see Chapter 2: Core Strategy).

Material Alteration Reference Number 7.10

Chapter 7
Section: 7.5.3 Key Urban Villages, Urban Villages and Neighbourhood Centres
Page: 257, Policy CCUV24


Policy CCUV24 Co - Working Hubs

To support the development of ‘Hub’ workspaces as part of new mixed new developments in (Key District Centres) {Key Urban Villages} and urban villages.

Material Alteration Reference Number 7.11

Chapter 7
Section: 7.5.3 Key Urban Villages, Urban Villages and Neighbourhood Centres
Page: 258, Objective CCUV010


Objective CCUVO10 Shopfront Improvement Scheme

To support the roll out of the Shop Front Improvement Scheme to the urban villages and radial streets in {the inner city} (centre) subject to a criteria based analysis, available resources and funding availability.

Material Alteration Reference Number 7.12

Chapter 7
Section: 7.5.6 Food and Beverage Sector / Markets
Page: 260, Policy CCUV34


Policy CCUV34 Moore Street Market

To recognise the unique importance of Moore Street Market to the history and culture of the city and to ensure its protection, renewal and enhancement in cooperation with the traders, {and taking account of the contents and relevant recommendations of the Moore Street Advisory Group Report, the OPW and other stakeholders including the response of the Minister for Heritage and Electoral Reform.}

Material Alteration Reference Number 7.13

Chapter 7
Section: 7.5.6 Food and Beverage Sector / Markets
Page: 261, Objective CCUVO12


Objective CCUVO12 Iveagh Market

To support a regenerated Iveagh Market as a major visitor attraction {/ for a compatible use that secures its preservation} and as a local amenity for the community and to ensure that regeneration proposals include an appropriate community/civic space.

Material Alteration Reference Number 7.14

Chapter 7
Section: 7.5.8 Public Realm,
Page: 264, insert a new Policy after CCUV41, subsequent numbering to be amended accordingly


{Policy - Public Realm – City Centre

To move to a low traffic environment generally and to increase the amount of traffic free spaces provided in the city centre over the lifetime of the Plan as well as create new high quality public realm areas where possible.}

Material Alteration Reference Number 7.15

Chapter 7
Section: 7.5.8 Public Realm, Objective CCUVO13
Page: 265


Objective CCUVO13 Civic Spine /{College Green Dame Street Project}(College Green)

To implement a programme of environmental and public realm improvements along the Grand Civic Spine from Parnell Square to Christchurch Place and along the city quays, and to prioritise (the redevelopment of College Green as a pedestrian friendly civic space including the pedestrianisation of Foster Place){and deliver the redevelopment of the College Green and the Dame Street area up to the junction with South Great George’s Street and including Foster Place, as a premier civic space for the city with a traffic free world class public realm.}

Material Alteration Reference Number 7.16

Chapter 7
Section: 7.5.8 Public Realm
Page: 265 Insert a new Objective after CCUVO13, subsequent numbering to be amended accordingly


{Objective – Pedestrianisation South William Street}

{To support the full pedestrianisation of South William Street.}  

Material Alteration Reference Number 7.17

Chapter 7
Section: 7.5.8 Public Realm
Page: 266, Objective CCUVO15


Objective CCUVO15 Public Realm Plans / Masterplans

To support the implementation of the following public realm plans / masterplans (listed below) and companion manuals:

  • The Heart of the City’ Public Realm Masterplan for the City Core 2016;
  • Grafton Street Quarter Public Realm Improvement Plan, 2013;
  • Public Realm Masterplan for the North Lotts & Grand Canal Dock SDZ Planning Scheme 2014;
  • Temple Bar Public Realm Plan 2016; and
  • (Markets Area Public Realm Plan 2021.)
Material Alteration Reference Number 7.18

Chapter 7
Section: 7.5.9 Outdoor Advertising Strategy
Page: 267, Objective CCUVO20


Objective CCUVO20 Audit of Redundant (Signage) {and Unnecessary Street Furniture}

To carry out an audit of (redundant) {existing street furniture including} signage and unused poles in the public realm {with the aim of identifying and removing redundant / unused and unnecessary street furniture (including redundant elements licenced under Section 254 of the Planning Act) in order to declutter and improve the pedestrian network and to optimise accessibility of all users. In this regard, Dublin City Council will aim to remove 100 such redundant elements in each administrative area each year for the life of the Development Plan. Dublin City Council will investigate measures to promote street furniture co-sharing and integration}. (in order to reduce street clutter and to investigate measures to promote co-sharing and integration with other street furniture elements.)