Chapter 1: Strategic context and vision
Material Alteration Reference Number 1.1 |
Chapter 1
Section: 1.4 Statutory Context
Page: 29, 2nd paragraph
The plan is required to be consistent with national and regional planning and development policy {including the National Planning Framework and the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy for the Eastern and Midland Region.}(and development policy) {The Plan} must specifically address the following mandatory requirements:
Material Alteration Reference Number 1.2 |
Chapter 1
Section: 1.5.2 Appropriate Assessment (AA)
Page: 31, 1st paragraph
In accordance with the requirements under the EU Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC), the EU Birds Directive ((79/409/EEC) {2009/147/EC}) and Section 177 of the Planning and Development (Amendment) Act 2010, an Appropriate Assessment of the draft Dublin City Development Plan 2022- 2028 has been carried out to determine whether the draft plan could have significant effects on European sites, either individually or in combination with other plans or projects.
Material Alteration Reference Number 1.3 |
Chapter 1
Section: 1.9 Strategic Policy Context, Subsection 1.9.1, Figure 1-3: Key National, Regional and Local Planning Policy
Page: 37, first column, 2nd document listed
(Climate Action Plan 2019) {National Climate Action Plan (CAP) 2021} and sectoral adap{ta}tion plans.
Material Alteration Reference Number 1.4 |
Chapter 1
Section: 1.9.1 Introduction
Page: 37, Figure 1 - 3: Key National, Regional and Local Planning Policy
Amendment to Graphic Map:
National Development Plan (
2018 – 2027) {2021 – 2030} - {Whole of Government Circular Economy Strategy 2022 – 2023}
National Planning Framework 2040
Climate Action Plan 2021 and sectoral adaption plans
Construction 2020: A Strategy for a Renewed Construction Sector
Housing for All
National Development Plan 2021-2030
Project Ireland 2040 - National Marine Planning Framework
The Whole of Government Circular Economy Strategy 2022-2023
Government's Waste Action Plan for a Circular Economy 2020-2025
Eastern and Midland Regional Assembly;
Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy 2019-2031
Dublin Metropolitan Area Strategic Plan
NTA Transport Strategy for Greater Dublin Area 2016-2035
River Basin Management Plan 2018-2021
Eastern-Midlands Regional Waste Management Plan 2015-2021
Dublin Agglomeration Environmental Noise Action Plan 2018-2023
Development Plan
Local Area Plans
Strategic Development Zones
The Heart of Dublin: City Centre Public Realm Masterplan
Docklands Public Realm Masterplan
Local Environmental Improvement Plans
Dublin City Council Litter Management Plan 2020-2022
DCC Climate Change Action Plan 2019
Urban Development and Building Height Guidelines 2020
Sustainable Development;
Design Standards for New Apartments 2018
Material Alteration Reference Number 1.5 |
Chapter 1
Section: 1.9.2 UN Sustainable Development Goals
Page 38, new policy to be inserted after first paragraph
{Policy SCV1 United Nations Sustainability Goals (See also Chapter 3, Climate Change):
It is the policy of Dublin City Council to contribute, via this Development Plan, towards achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, as per link}
Material Alteration Reference Number 1.6 |
Chapter 1
Section: 1.9.4 The National Climate Action Plan 2019-2024
Page: 40
1.9.4 The National Climate Action Plan (2019-2024) {2021}
The National Climate Action Plan (CAP) (2019-2024) {2021} (, sets out a course of action to address the impacts of climate change on Ireland’s environment, society, economic and natural resources. The CAP identifies the scale of the challenge and examines impacts on a range of key sectors including electricity, transport, built environment, industry and agriculture and charts a course towards ambitious emission reduction targets.
The CAP recognises the role that Project Ireland 2040 and the NPF can play in climate action in providing for population growth in a compact, connected and sustainable way and the key role that land use planning can play in progressing climate change mitigation and adaption.
(It is recognised that the Government intends to publish a new National Climate Action Plan in the near future. Dublin City Council will consider a variation of the development plan within a reasonable period of time to ensure that the development plan will be consistent with the overall approach to climate action set out in any new National Climate Action Plan.)
{The CAP provides a detailed framework which identifies how Ireland will achieve a 51% reduction in Ireland's overall GHG emissions from 2021 to 2030, and to achieve net-zero emissions no later than 2050. These legally-binding objectives are set out in the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Act 2021.}
Material Alteration Reference Number 1.7 |
Chapter 1
Section 1.9.6 Dublin Metropolitan Area Strategic Plan (MASP)
Page: 44
- Naas Road
{These Strategic Development Areas and Strategic Employment Lands are incorporated into the City Development Plan as SDRA’s – see Chapter 2, Core Strategy and Chapter 13, Strategic Development Regeneration Areas.}
Material Alteration Reference Number 1.8 |
Chapter 1
Section: 1.9.7 NTA Transport Strategy 2016-2035
Page: 46
This strategy for the Greater Dublin Area (GDA) provides a framework for a sustainable transport network for the long term. (Three k) {K}ey projects include:
(The Bus Connects project with a targeted timeline of 2021 – 2023. -
The extended Luas Tram line to Finglas anticipated to be delivered by 2028. -
Metro train line from the city to Dublin Airport and Swords with a targeted delivery date of between 2021 and 2027.)
- {MetroLink from Charlemont to Swords via Dublin Airport, with construction date due to commence during the Development Plan period;
The Bus Connects programme which includes the following:
- Dublin Area Bus Network Redesign which provides for significantly enhanced bus services, with a completion by 2024 and
- The Core Bus Corridor Projects which will provide bus priority on the radial routes, with a completion date by 2030;
- DART+ Programme, with construction to commence during the Development Plan period and
- Luas Finglas with a Railway Order due to be submitted by 2023.
- Greater Dublin Area Cycle Network Plan.}
Over the course of the development plan, it is expected that these key infrastructural projects will either be delivered or be at an advanced stage of design/planning. The alignment of future growth and key public transport infrastructure is a key consideration of the plan.