Chapter 4: Shape and structure of the city

Closed27 Jul, 2022, 09:00 - 1 Sep, 2022, 16:30
Material Alteration Reference Number 4.1

Chapter 4
Section: 4.5.1 Approach to the Inner City and Docklands
Page: 136, 3rd paragraph


The development of the new university, (in this area and the provision of other services and facilities connected with it, has anchored) {health, education facilities and public amenities for the existing and emerging communities of the Grangegorman neighbourhood is beginning to anchor} the ongoing regeneration of this part of the city.

Material Alteration Reference Number 4.2

Chapter 4
Section: 4.5.1 Approach to the Inner City and Docklands
Page: 138, Policy SC1

Policy SC1 Consolidation of the Inner City

It is the Policy of Dublin City Council:

To consolidate and enhance the inner city, promote compact growth and maximise opportunities provided by existing and proposed public transport by linking the critical mass of existing and emerging communities such as Docklands, Heuston Quarter, Grangegorman, Stoneybatter, Smithfield, the Liberties (and) the North East Inner City {and the south and north Georgian cores} with each other, and to other regeneration areas.

Material Alteration Reference Number 4.3

Chapter 4
Section: 4.5.1 Approach to the Inner City and Docklands
Page: 138, Policy SC2


Policy SC2 City’s Character: amend bullet point 4 to read:

• revitalising the north and south Georgian squares and their environs {and realising their residential potential};

Material Alteration Reference Number 4.4

Chapter 4
Section: 4.5.1 Approach to the Inner City and Docklands
Page 138, Policy SC3


Policy SC3 Mixed Use Development

To promote a mixed-use land use policy in the city centre, including the provision of
high quality, sustainable residential development(.) {, and facilitating the
conversion of both old office buildings and over shop spaces to residential.}

Material Alteration Reference Number 4.5

Chapter 4
Section: 4.5.1 Approach to the Inner City and Docklands
Page: 139, Policy SC6


Policy SC6 Docklands

To recognise the distinctive character of the Docklands regeneration area and to work with the relevant authorities to increase connectivity with the city centre {and its environs}.

Material Alteration Reference Number 4.6

Chapter 4
Section: 4.5.2 Approach to the Inner Suburbs and Outer City as Part of the Metropolitan Area
Page: 139, first paragraph


The inner suburbs comprise the established suburban communities{,largely,} located outside of the canal belt {e.g. such as Phibsborough} and the outer city refers to the newly developing areas on the fringe of the city administrative area including Clongriffin-Belmayne, Ashtown-Pelletstown, Park West and Cherry Orchard.

Material Alteration Reference Number 4.7

Chapter 4
Section: 4.5.2 Approach to the Inner Suburbs and Outer City as Part of the Metropolitan Area
Page: 140, Policy SC8


Policy SC8 Development of the Inner Suburbs

To support the development of the inner suburbs and outer city in accordance with the strategic development areas and corridors set out under the Dublin Metropolitan Area Strategic Plan and fully maximise opportunities for intensification of infill, brownfield and underutilised land where it aligns with existing and pipeline public transport (infrastructure) {services and enhanced walking and cycling infrastructure}.

Material Alteration Reference Number 4.8

Chapter 4:
Section: 4.5.4 Increased Height as Part of the Urban Form and Spatial Structure of Dublin
Page: 148, Policy SC16


Policy SC16 Building Height Locations

To recognise the predominantly low rise character of Dublin City whilst also recognising the potential and need for increased height in appropriate locations including the city centre, Strategic Development Zones, Strategic Development Regeneration Areas, Key Urban Villages and other locations as identified in Appendix 3, provided that proposals ensure a balance {with} (between) the reasonable protection of existing amenities and environmental sensitivities, protection of residential amenity and the established character of the area.

Material Alteration Reference Number 4.9

Chapter 4:
Section: 4.5.4 Increased Height as part of the Urban Form and Spatial Structure of Dublin, subheading Landmark/Tall Buildings
Page: 149, Policy SC17


Policy SC17 Building Height

To protect and enhance the skyline of the city, and to ensure that all proposals with enhanced scale and height:

  • follow a design led approach;
  • include a masterplan for any site over 0.5ha {(in accordance with the criteria for assessment set out in Appendix 3)};
  • make a positive contribution to the urban character of the city and that responds positively to the existing or emerging context;
  • deliver vibrant and equitable neighbourhoods that are walkable, compact, green, accessible, mixed and balanced; (and)
  • {Do not affect the safety of aircraft operations at Dublin Airport (including cranage); and}
  • have regard to the performance-based criteria set out in Appendix 3.

Please see attachment.
Centralising the former DITs into one campus in Grangegorman and upgrading to University is a positive development and having a policy statement that supports this development for existing and...
The District 7 Community Alliance explicitly supports all material alterations suggested under Material Alteration Numbers 4.1, 4.4 and 4.7
Motion MOT-01602 requests that Phibsborough is added to Section 4.5.1 as: Chapter 4 Section: 4.5.1 Approach to the Inner City and Docklands Page: 139, Policy SC1 To amend the...
This submission is linked to the District 7 Community Alliance submission on Material Alteration Number 4.2 and Motion MOT-01602. The material alteration suggested here is a result of a...