Chapter 8: Sustainable movement and transport

Closed27 Jul, 2022, 09:00 - 1 Sep, 2022, 16:30
Material Alteration Reference Number 8.1

Chapter 8
Section: 8.5 Policies and Objectives, subheading 8.5.1 Addressing Climate Change through Sustainable Mobility
Page: 278, Table 8-1 Current and Target Mode Share


Table Content:
Current Mode Share {*}
Public Transport (bus, rail, LUAS) 57%*{*}

Table Note:

{*Current mode share figures are based on the NTA/DCC Canal Cordon Counts (November 2019) and present a picture of the modes of travel used by people travelling across the Canal Cordon into the City in a typical AM peak period.}

{*}*The modest increase in public transport mode share anticipates the construction of major public transport infrastructure that is proposed to occur over the lifetime of the plan. The impact of public transport infrastructure projects on mode share is more likely to come into fruition during the lifespan of the following plan.

Material Alteration Reference Number 8.2

Chapter 8
Section: 8.5.3 Public Realm, Place Making and Healthy Streets
Page: 284, Policy SMT9


Policy SMT9 Public Realm in New Developments

To encourage and facilitate the {co-ordinated} delivery of high quality public realm in tandem with new developments throughout the city in collaboration with private developers {and all service/utility providers,}through the Development Management process.

Material Alteration Reference Number 8.3

Chapter 8
Section: 8.5.3 Public Realm, Place Making and Healthy Streets
Page: 284, insert New Objective after Policy SMT9, subsequent numbering to be amended accordingly


{Objective - Public Realm Strategy

To review and update the Public Realm Strategy ‘Your City-Your Space’ within the lifetime of the Plan.}

Material Alteration Reference Number 8.4

Chapter 8
Section: 8.5.4 Accessibility for All
Page: 285, Policy SMT10 Pedestrian Network


Policy SMT10 Pedestrian Network

To protect, improve and expand on the pedestrian network (inclusive of facilities for people with mobility impairment and/or disabilities, including the elderly and people with children,) linking key public buildings, shopping streets, public transport points and tourist and recreational attractions {whilst ensuring accessibility for all, including people with mobility impairment and/or disabilities, older persons and people with children.}  

Material Alteration Reference Number 8.5

Chapter 8
Section: 8.5.4 Accessibility for All
Page: 285, Objective SMTO2  


Objective SMTO2 Improving the Pedestrian Network

To improve the pedestrian network{, and prioritise measures such as the removal of slip lanes, the}introduction of tactile paving, ramps{, raised tables} and kerb dishing at appropriate locations, including pedestrian crossings, {street junctions,} taxi ranks, bus stops and rail platforms in order to optimise {safe}accessibility for all users.

Material Alteration Reference Number 8.6

Chapter 8
Section: 8.5.4 Accessibility for All
Page 285, Objective SMTO4


Objective SMTO4 Taxi Ranks

To ensure the City is provided with adequate (and accessible) taxi ranks and facilities, {accessible and inclusive for a range of users} and to engage with the National Transport Authority and representatives of the taxi industry regarding provision of same.

Material Alteration Reference Number 8.7

Chapter 8
Section: 8.5.5 City Centre and Urban Villages - Access and Functional Needs, subsection Urban Villages
Page: 286


The importance of the urban villages as the heart and focus for communities is recognised and supported by this plan. Their role in contributing to the 15-minute city is crucial through their ability to provide a hub of services, facilities and amenities for the population within a 15 minute walking catchment. Dublin City Council is committed to improving connectivity to the urban villages, alongside improvements to the public realm and encouraging more active travel within these communities. {Dublin City Council will facilitate the delivery of public transport infrastructure and services, and cycle infrastructure, in order to ensure that the economic, social and cultural attractions of these locations can be supported, maintained and expanded by providing maximum accessibility by sustainable modes.}

Material Alteration Reference Number 8.8

Chapter 8
Section: 8.5.5 City Centre and Urban Villages - Access and Functional Needs
Page: 287, Policy SMT12


Policy SMT12 Urban Villages and the 15-Minute City

To support the role of the urban villages in contributing to the 15-minute city through improvement of connectivity, in particular for active travel {and facilitating the delivery of public transport infrastructure and services,} and public realm enhancement.

Material Alteration Reference Number 8.9

Chapter 8
Section: 8.5.5 City Centre and Urban Villages - Access and Functional Needs
Page: 287, Objective SMTO5


Objective SMTO5 Review of the City Centre Transport Study

To review the City Centre Transport Study 2016 {in collaboration with the NTA} in the lifetime of the plan, setting out a clear strategy to prioritise active travel modes and public transport use, whilst ensuring the integration of high quality public realm.

Material Alteration Reference Number 8.10

Chapter 8
Section: 8.5.6 Sustainable Modes, subheading Active Travel – Walking and Cycling
Page: 288 - 290


Page 288, first paragraph

A significant allocation of Government funding was announced in 2021 for
investment in walking and cycling and Dublin City Council, {through the Active Travel Programme Office,}is committed to supporting the roll out of the relevant infrastructure within the lifetime of this plan.

Page 290, fourth paragraph

The City Council, {through the Active Travel Programme Office,} will continue to work with the NTA’s ‘{Greater Dublin Area} Cycle Network Plan (for the Greater Dublin Area’) and its forthcoming review in order to develop a more comprehensive cycle network.

Material Alteration Reference Number 8.11

Chapter 8
Section: 8.5.6 Sustainable Modes, subheading Active Travel – Walking and Cycling
Page: 290, Policy SMT15


Policy SMT15 Walking, Cycling and Active Travel

To prioritise the development of {safe and connected} walking and cycling facilities and {prioritise}(encourage) a shift to active travel for people of all ages and abilities, in line with the city’s mode share targets.

Material Alteration Reference Number 8.12

Chapter 8
Section: 8.5.6 Sustainable Modes, subheading Active Travel – Walking and Cycling
Page: 290, Policy SMT16


Policy SMT16 Active Travel Initiatives

To promote and help develop community-based coordinated initiatives at local level that encourage active travel and modal switch to sustainable transport modes, and to target underrepresented cohorts/groups in such initiatives. (and specifically to target a significant increase in the number of children cycling to primary school).

Material Alteration Reference Number 8.13

Chapter 8
Section: 8.5.6 Sustainable Modes, subheading Active Travel – Walking and Cycling
Page: 290, Policy SMT17


Policy SMT17 The Pedestrian Environment

To continue to maintain and improve the pedestrian environment and (promote) {strengthen permeability by promoting} the development of a network of pedestrian routes {including laneway connections} which link residential areas with recreational, educational and employment destinations to create a pedestrian environment that is safe, accessible to all in accordance with best accessibility practice.

Material Alteration Reference Number 8.14

Chapter 8
Section: 8.5.6 Sustainable Modes, subheading Active Travel – Walking and Cycling
Page: 291, Objective SMTO7


Objective SMTO7 Review of Temporary Pedestrian and Cycling Improvement Interventions

To review the temporary pedestrian and cycling improvement interventions  undertaken as part of Covid-19 mobility measures in 2020/2021, with a view to {upgrading and} implementing permanently the successful routes through the Roads Act, Part 8 or other appropriate mechanisms.

Material Alteration Reference Number 8.15

Chapter 8
Section: 8.5.6 Sustainable Modes, Subheading Active Travel – Walking and Cycling
Page 291, New Objective to be inserted after SMTO8 Cycling Infrastructure and Routes, subsequent numbering to be amended accordingly


{Objective - Greater Dublin Area Cycle Network Plan

To support the development of a connected cycling network in the City through the implementation of the NTA’s Greater Dublin Area Cycle Network Plan, subject to environmental assessment and route feasibility.}

Material Alteration Reference Number 8.16

Chapter 8
Section: 8.5.6 Sustainable Modes, subheading Active Travel – Walking and Cycling
Page: 291, insert New Objective, after New Objective ‘Greater Dublin Area Cycle Network Plan’, subsequent numbering to be amended accordingly


{Objective: Walking and Cycling Audits

Permission for major development (>100 units for example) will only be granted by the City Council, once a full audit of the walking and cycling facilities in the environs of a development is undertaken}

Material Alteration Reference Number 8.17

Chapter 8
Section: 8.5.6 Sustainable Modes, subheading Active Travel – Walking and Cycling
Page: 291, Objective SMTO11


Objective SMTO11 Design Standards for Cycle Parking in Developments

To prepare, (in the lifetime of the plan) {within two years of the adoption of the Plan,} a comprehensive guide setting out design standards and requirements for cycle parking in developments.

Material Alteration Reference Number 8.18

Chapter 8
Section: 8.5.6 Sustainable Modes, subheading Active Travel – Walking and Cycling
Page: 291, insert New Objective, after SMTO13 River Liffey Boardwalk, subsequent numbering to be amended accordingly


{Objective - Blaquiere Bridge

To seek to reopen the pathway underneath Blaquiere Bridge on the North Circular Road beside the Old State Cinema in Phibsborough to pedestrians and cyclists.}

Material Alteration Reference Number 8.19

Chapter 8
Section: 8.5.6 Sustainable Modes, subheading Active Travel and Schools
Page: 292, Policy SMT19


Change title of section:

(Active Travel and Schools) {Active Travel –Childcare Facilities, Schools and Third Level Institutions.}

Amend Policy SMT19 as follows:

Policy SMT19 Walking and Cycling for School Trips

  1. {To prioritise and target a significant increase in the number of children walking and cycling to and from schools.}
  2. To promote walking and cycling for school trips (through the){to all educational facilities};
  3. {To promote and support} (promotion of) initiatives such as “Safe Routes to School”, the ‘Green Schools’ and ‘Schools Streets’ projects, and to prioritise school routes for permeability projects and provision and enhancements of pedestrian and cycle ways.
Material Alteration Reference Number 8.20

Chapter 8
Section: 8.5.6 Sustainable Modes, subheading Active Travel and Schools
Page: 292, New Policy to be inserted after SMT19 Walking and Cycling for School Trips, subsequent numbering to be amended accordingly


{Policy - Accessibility and Design at Schools

To ensure that the development of new schools or expansion of existing schools demonstrate accessibility by sustainable transport options and that the layout and design shall be optimised to prioritise permeability and safe routes for pedestrians and cyclists.}

Material Alteration Reference Number 8.21

Chapter 8
Section: 8.5.6 Sustainable Modes, subheading Public Transport
Page: 293, additional text at the end of 2nd paragraph


The Council will continue to work with the NTA, the statutory authority responsible for long term strategic transport planning in the GDA, to focus on the delivery of additional and extended public transport routes to service newly developed and existing areas, to address gaps in existing areas, to improve access to public transport stops and services and to improve the integration between high density development and public transport nodes. {The Council will seek to safeguard existing public transport infrastructure to ensure future resilience is maintained.}

Material Alteration Reference Number 8.22

Chapter 8
Section: 8.5.6 Sustainable Modes, subsection Public Transport
Page: 295, Policy SMT20


SMT20 Key Sustainable Transport Projects

To support the expeditious delivery of key sustainable transport projects (including Metrolink, Bus Connects, DART+ and LUAS expansion programme) so as to provide an integrated public transport network with efficient interchange between transport modes, serving the existing and future needs of the city and region {and to support the integration of existing public transport infrastructure with other transport modes. In particular the following projects subject to environmental requirements and appropriate planning consents being obtained:

  • DART +
  • Metrolink from Charlemount to Swords
  • Bus Connects Core Bus Corridor projects
  • Delivery of Luas to Finglas
  • Progress and delivery of Luas to Poolbeg and Lucan}
Material Alteration Reference Number 8.23

Chapter 8
Section: 8.5.6 Sustainable Modes, subheading Public Transport
Page: 295, Policy SMT21


Policy SMT21 The Rail Network and Freight Transport

  1. To work with Iarnród Éireann/Irish Rail, the NTA, TII and other operators to progress a coordinated approach to improving the rail network, integrated with other public transport modes to ensure maximum public benefit and promoting sustainable transport and improved connectivity.
  2. To facilitate {and support} the needs of freight transport in accordance with the NTA’s Transport Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area (2016 – 2035) {2022 – 2042} (and forthcoming review) and {enhance the capacity on existing rail lines and services to provide improved facilities promoting the principles of sustainable transport to cater for the movement of freight by rail}.
  3. {To support the outcomes of the Iarnród Éireann/Irish Rail Rail Freight 2040 Strategy}.
Material Alteration Reference Number 8.24

Chapter 8
Section: 8.5.6 Sustainable Modes, subheading Public Transport
Page: 295, Objective SMTO14


Objective SMTO14 Additional {Interchanges and} Rail Stations

  1. To promote and seek the development of a new (commuter rail) {interchange} station at Cross Guns{Glasnevin}(serving the existing rail line infrastructure and){, subject to environmental requirements being satisfied and appropriate planning consents being obtained, as part of the DART+ and Metro link projects}, (preferably as part of a larger mixed use development.)
  2. {To promote the provision of a station at Croke Park Stadium.}
Material Alteration Reference Number 8.25

Chapter 8
Section: 8.5.6 Sustainable Modes; Subheading Public Transport
Page: 295, New Objective to be inserted after SMTO14 Additional Rail Stations, subsequent numbering to be amended accordingly


{Objective - Bus Infrastructure

DCC will work with the NTA to incorporate bus infrastructure within new large-scale developments where appropriate.}

Material Alteration Reference Number 8.26

Chapter 8
Section: 8.5.6 Sustainable Modes, subsection Public Transport
Page: 295, Objective SMTO15


Objective SMTO15 ‘Park and Ride’ Services

To promote ‘Park and Ride’ services at suitable locations in co-operation with neighbouring local authorities {and to support the implementation of the NTA’s Park and Ride Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area}.

Material Alteration Reference Number 8.27

Chapter 8
Section: 8.5.6 Sustainable Modes, subheading Micro-mobility and Shared Mobility
Page: 296-297, insert next text at the end of the 5th paragraph, Page 296


“Enhanced monitoring and data analysis will enable Dublin City Council to identify and cater for demand areas, to better design and manage road space and to develop an adaptive infrastructure. {Dublin City Council will continue to support Smart Dublin, an initiative of the Dublin local authorities, which aims to promote the Dublin region as a world leader in the development of smart city technologies.}”

Material Alteration Reference Number 8.28

Chapter 8
Section: 8.5.6 Sustainable Modes, subheading Micro-mobility and Shared Mobility
Page: 296-297, Policy SMT22


Policy SMT22 Shared Mobility and Adaptive Infrastructure

To promote the use and expansion of shared mobility to all areas of the city and facilitate adaptive infrastructure for the changing modal transport environment, including other micro-mobility and shared mobility, as part of an integrated transport network in the city {, and to support and promote smart growth initiatives that develop new solutions to existing and future mobility services and support Smart Dublin in the development of a Mobility as a Service (MaaS) platform.}

Material Alteration Reference Number 8.29

Chapter 8
Section: 8.5.9 Street/Road, Bridge and Tunnel Infrastructure
Page: 300, Policy SMT28


SMT28 National Road Projects

To protect national road projects as per the NTA {Transport} Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area (2016 – 2035) {2022 – 2042} and its review, {and in consultation with TII and the NTA, to support} (including) the (provision) {delivery}of (a){the} Southern Port Access Route to Poolbeg, {as a public road. The indicative alignment of this road link is shown on Map J.}

Material Alteration Reference Number 8.30

Chapter 8
Section 8.5.9 Street/Road, Bridge and Tunnel Infrastructure,
Page: 300, insert new policy after Policy SMT29 Transport Tunnels, subsequent numbering to be amended accordingly


{Policy - Dublin – Belfast Economic Corridor

To support the improvement, and protection, of the EU TEN-T network and the strategic function of the Dublin to Belfast road network.}

Material Alteration Reference Number 8.31

Chapter 8
Section: 8.5.9 Street/Road, Bridge and Tunnel Infrastructure
Page: 301, Objective SMTO23


Objective SMTO23 Road, Street and Bridge Schemes

To initiate and/or implement the following street/road schemes and bridges within the six year period of the development plan, subject to the availability of funding and environmental requirements and compliance with the ‘Principles of Road Development’ set out in the NTA {Greater Dublin Area} Transport Strategy.

Roads and Streets

River Road {Map A}
Belmayne Main Street {Map C}
Sean Moore Road {Map F}
Cherry Orchard Link Roads {Map D}
Richmond Road {Map E}
Collins Avenue Extension {Map B}
Blackhorse Avenue {Map D}
Clonshaugh Road Industrial Estate {Map B}
Cappagh Road {Map A}
St. Margaret’s Link Road {Map B}
Northern Cross/Belcamp Lane {Map B}
Santry Avenue Link Road {Map B}
Newtown Avenue {Map B}


  • Dodder Public Transport Bridge, linked with BusConnects 16 proposals {Map E}.
  • Bridge from North Wall Quay at Point Depot (Point Bridge) and the widening of Tom Clarke Bridge, improve pedestrian and cycling facilities at the crossing point as well as accommodating additional public transport routes in conjunction with the Dodder Bridge {Map E}.
  • Pedestrian/cycle bridge crossing the Liffey between the Samuel Beckett Bridge and the Tom Clarke Bridge {Map E}.
  • Liffey Valley Park pedestrian/cycle bridge {Map E}.
  • Pedestrian/Cycle Bridge across River Liffey from Irish National War Memorial Gardens/Islandbridge to the Chapelizod Road, Islandbridge {Map D}.
  • Cycle/pedestrian bridges that emerge as part of the evolving Strategic Cycle Network and Strategic Green Infrastructure Network.
  • Broadstone to Grand Canal pedestrian/cycle bridge {Map E}.
Material Alteration Reference Number 8.32

Chapter 8
Section: 8.5.9 Street/Road, Bridge and Tunnel Infrastructure
Page: 302, Objective SMTO25


Objective SMTO25 Road, Tolka Park Pedestrian/Cycle Connection

To provide a pedestrian/cycle connection {adjacent to} (from) Tolka Park to the lands to the south.

Material Alteration Reference Number 8.33

Chapter 8
Section: 8.5.10 Traffic Management and Road Safety Impacts
Page: 305, Objective SMTO32, insert new bullet point after first bullet point


Objective SMTO32 Environmental and Road Safety Impacts of traffic in the City

{To undertake a study, assessing and identifying areas adjacent to proposed sustainable transport projects for traffic calming and filter permeability.}