Chapter 12: Culture
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.1 |
Chapter 12
Section: 12.2 Achievements
Page: 434, 4th paragraph
Dublin City Council Culture Company, on behalf of Dublin City Council, run a range of cultural initiatives and buildings across the city including programmes such as Culture Connects, Creative (residences){Residencies}, Culture Club and the National Neighbourhood. They also manage and provide a range of services for two key Council heritage assets – {14} Henrietta Street and Richmond Barracks, as well as {conducting and} maintaining a {cultural audit}, database and map (Culture Near You) of all cultural assets in the city (
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.2 |
Chapter 12
Section: 12.5.1 Protecting and Enhancing Dublin City’s Cultural Assets
Page: 439, Objective CUO2
Objective CUO2 Dublin Fire Brigade Museum
That Dublin City Council {as soon as practicable} undertake a study to identify a viable, appropriately scaled, permanent location for the Dublin Fire Brigade Museum currently housed in the O’Brien Institute.
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.3 |
Chapter 12
Section 12.5.1 Protecting and Enhancing Dublin City’s Cultural Assets
Page: 439, Objective CUO3
Objective CUO3: Dublin Music Resource Centre and Museum
In recognising the significant musical tradition in Dublin, the City Council will undertake a study (to explore the opportunity of creating) {to inform the creation of} a new Dublin Music Resource Centre and Museum that can provide facilities and opportunities for engagement with music for all, with a particular focus on engaging and encouraging under represented and socially excluded people within the city.
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.4 |
Chapter 12
Section 12.5.1 Protecting and Enhancing Dublin City’s Cultural Assets
Page: 439, Objective CUO5
Objective CUO5 Cultural Forum
{To work to establish} (explore the possibility of establishing) a Cultural Forum for Dublin, led by Dublin City Council and working with other cultural partners.
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.5 |
Chapter 12
Section 12.5.2 Cultural Hubs and Quarters
Page: 440, last sentence of first paragraph item (ii)
(ii) North Georgian City incorporating O’Connell St. {, Parnell Square,} and Moore Street;
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.6 |
Chapter 12
Section 12.5.2 Cultural Hubs and Quarters, subheading South Georgian Quarter
Page: 440
Significant investment has seen transformative improvements to the quality of space including the National Gallery, upgrades to the National Library, (and) the National Museum {and the proposed development of a new National Children’s Science Centre at Earlsfort Terrace}.
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.7 |
Chapter 12
Section: 12.5.2- Cultural Hubs and Quarters
Page: 442, Objective CUO9
Objective CUO9 14-17 Moore Street
To support the preservation and restoration of the historic terrace 10-25 Moore Street and adjacent yards and lanes, and the remaining historic built heritage of the street including numbers 1-8 Moore Street, and the establishment of a commemorative visitor centre, as a fitting tribute to the men and women of Easter 1916 and as an education and cultural resource centre {and taking account of the contents and relevant recommendations of the Moore Street Advisory Group Report, OPW and other stakeholders including the response of the Minister for Heritage and Electoral Reform.}
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.8 |
Chapter 12
Section 12.5.2 Cultural Hubs and Quarters
Page: 442, Objective CUO10
Objective CUO10 Convent and Magdalene Laundry Building on Sean Mc Dermott St.
CU{O}10 Convent and Magdalene Laundry Building on Sean McDermott St.
To (explore) {support} opportunities for suitable {and appropriate} development of this site that incorporates (housing and community uses and a memorial in the former Convent and Magdalene Laundry building on Sean McDermott St. and that are sensitive to the legacy and history of this location) {the Government proposal for a National Centre for Research and Remembrance, alongside provision of a mix of uses including residential, community/cultural and educational uses.}
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.9 |
Chapter 12
Section: 12.5.2- Cultural Hubs and Quarters, subheading Dublin 8, Kilmainham and Inchicore, insert after 1st paragraph
Page: 442
{The area also contains a number of high profile cultural and tourism destinations including Christchurch and St. Patrick’s cathedrals, and a range of brewing/distilling attractions; reflecting the craft and industrial heritage of this historic area. Weaving is also a strong tradition within the Liberties and a resurgence in interest in reviving the tradition presents opportunities to create new attractions, such as a craft hub}.
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.10 |
Chapter 12
Section 12.5.2- Cultural Hubs and Quarters
Page: 443, insert New Objective before CUO11, subsequent numbering to be amended accordingly
{Objective - Markets & Capel Street
To retain existing and seek the development of new community, arts and entrepreneur led arts and cultural initiatives within the Markets Area of the City and to support this area developing an identity as a vibrant cultural hub within the city core.}
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.11 |
Chapter 12
Section: 12.5.2 Cultural Hubs and Quarters, subheading Temple Bar
Page: 443, insert text after 2nd paragraph
{It is also recognised that the Temple Bar Quarter and environs have a strong connection with the LGBT+ community, and the importance of preserving and enhancing cultural spaces for this community in the city is supported.}
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.12 |
Chapter 12
Section 12.5.2- Cultural Hubs and Quarters
Page: 444, Objective CUO17
Objective CUO17 – Temple Bar as a Mixed Use Cultural Quarter
To seek to maintain the role of Temple Bar as a mixed use cultural quarter and avoid the concentration of particular uses and retail facilities which would re-inforce particular activities in the area to the detriment of the cultural, residential and social functions of the area. (Any application for) {There will be a presumptionagainst} further expansion of floor space for licenced premises, (restaurant) or the sale of food or alcohol for consumption off the premises, {and any application} will have to demonstrate how such expansion will not have a detrimental impact on the character of the area. {Any further expansion of restaurant floor space will be assessed on a case by case basis and will also be required to demonstrate how such an expansion will not have a detrimental impact on the character of the area.}
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.13 |
Chapter 12
Section 12.5.2- Cultural Hubs and Quarters
Page: 444, Objective CUO18
CUO18 (National Photographic Archive) {Gallery of Photography} and the {Irish Film Institute (IFI)}
{To support the expansion of the IFI and associated Irish Film Archive to create additional cultural offering for the City and to support the exploration of the possibility of a Museum and Archive of Irish Film;} and to (recognise the need for the expansion of the photographic archive and to) support the identification of a new space {for the Gallery of Photography} to meet the needs of this cultural facility.
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.14 |
Chapter 12
Section 12.5.2- Cultural Hubs and Quarters
Page: 444, insert New Objective after CUO18, subsequent numbering to be amended accordingly
{Objective - Artistic Spaces
To protect key artistic spaces within Temple Bar that provide the basis of Temple Bar’s cultural infrastructure and to ensure that any changes of use to such buildings continue to deliver artistic spaces or similar cultural uses.}
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.15 |
Chapter 12
Section 12.5.2 Cultural Hubs and Quarters, sub heading Temple Bar
Page: 444, insert New Objective after New Objective – Artistic Spaces, subsequent numbering to be amended accordingly
{Objective - LGBT+ Community
To build upon the strong connection between the Temple Bar Quarter and environs and the LGBT+ community and (i) seek to preserve and enhance key cultural spaces within the area that serve the community and (ii) undertake a feasibility study in relation to a new dedicated Museum and Cultural Centre dedicated to Irish Queer history and LGBT+ rights}.
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.16 |
Chapter 12
Section: 12.5.2 Cultural Hubs and Quarters, sub heading Dublin Docklands
Page: 445, Policy CU11
Policy CU11 Cultural Facilities within Docklands
Support and encourage the growth of cultural facilities within Docklands {to include the Poolbeg Peninsula}, at community and city-wide scale, to enrich the areas, generate activity and economic benefits and celebrate the maritime heritage of the Docklands area.
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.17 |
Chapter 12
Section 12.5.3 Supporting Cultural Vibrancy in the City
Page: 447, Policy CU12
CU12 Cultural Spaces and Facilities
To grow the range of cultural spaces and facilities in tandem with all new developments and across existing developments {such as in basement or roof-top spaces where suitable} to meet the needs of an increasing population in the city.
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.18 |
Chapter 12
Section: 12.5.3 Supporting Cultural Vibrancy in the City
Page: 447, Policy CU14
Policy CU14 Cultural Uses in Developments on Former Industrial Lands
To ensure new developments on former industrial lands incorporate cultural uses {(including night-time entertainment space designed to minimise impact on residential areas)} as part of new mixed-use communities.
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.19 |
Chapter 12
Section 12.5.3 Supporting Cultural Vibrancy in the City
Page: 448, Objective CUO22, add footnote
{*Such developments shall incorporate both cultural/arts and community uses individually or in combination unless there is an evidence base to justify the 5% going to one sector.}
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.20 |
Chapter 12
Section 12.5.3 Supporting Cultural Vibrancy in the City
Page: 448, insert New Objective after CUO25, subsequent numbering to be amended accordingly
{Objective - Performing Arts Venue
To undertake a feasibility study to assess the need for; and the possible form and scale of a new performing arts space (and ancillary spaces) within the inner city and the options for achieving successful implementation.}
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.21 |
Chapter 12
Section 12.5.4 Supporting Key Cultural Activities
Page 449, insert additional text after 1st paragraph
{*All references to artist/artistic means practitioners in all artistic disciplines.}
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.22 |
Chapter 12
Section 12.5.4 Supporting Key Cultural Activities
Page: 450, Objective CUO27
Objective CUO27- Artist (Studios) {Workspaces}
To further develop and provide for artist (studio) {work} spaces {and spaces for creative production} within the city and avail of opportunities for utilising underused buildings within communities for artistic and cultural purposes.
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.23 |
Chapter 12
Section 12.5.5 Culture in the Community
Page: 451, Objective CUO31
Objective CUO31- Music Venues
To encourage the development of new music {and dance} venues {at accessible locations} that will provide opportunities for music artists to perform {and spaces for people to experience music} at a range of venue sizes.
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.24 |
Chapter 12
Section 12.5.4 Supporting Key Cultural Activities
Page: 452, Objective CUO32
Objective CUO32 Audio-Visual Sector
To support the growth of the audio-visual sector within the city, and the continued growth of the existing clusters in Dublin 8 and Dublin 2 {and the emerging cluster in Dublin 7}, including encouraging start-up space provision.
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.25 |
Chapter 12
Section 12.5.4 Supporting Key Cultural Activities
Page: 452, insert new paragraph at end
{Also critical to the functioning of many larger cultural spaces is the maintenance of HGV delivery access of large sets/gig equipment; which needs to be taken into consideration for both applications for expansion by the venue and for proposed public realm projects immediately adjacent to such spaces.}
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.26 |
Chapter 12
Section 12.5.3 Supporting Cultural Vibrancy in the City
Page: 453, Policy CU22
Policy CU22 Range of Cultural and Amenity Options
To seek and encourage a range of cultural and amenity options for residents and visitors within the city that are independent of licenced premises to allow options for younger people, {families} and others to engage and enjoy a range of activities in the city during evening hours.
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.27 |
Chapter 12
Section 12.5.3 Supporting Cultural Vibrancy in the City
Page: 453, Objective CUO34
Objective CUO34 Noise Impacts
{*See also Policy CCUV36}
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.28 |
Chapter 12
Section 12.5.4 Supporting Key Cultural Activities
Page: 453, Objective CUO35
Objective CUO35 Purpose Spaces for Evening and Night Time Activities
To encourage the opportunity presented by new larger developments, {including a requirement for all large hotels*}; to provide high quality designed for purpose spaces that can accommodate evening and night time activities, such as basement/roof level “black box” spaces that can be used for smaller scale performance/theatre{/music}/dance venues, and{/or} for flexibility in the design of larger spaces, such as conference spaces, to be adaptable for evening uses.
{*Over 100 bedrooms}
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.29 |
Chapter 12
Section 12.5.5 Culture in the Community
Page: 457, Objective CUO40
Objective CUO40 – Cultural and Artistic Space Audit
To aim to undertake during the life of the development plan, an audit and implementation plan for each Electoral Area of the Council to assess the current and future needs with regard to cultural and artistic spaces, {(including music)} and to set a series of actions, policy tools, and initiatives to address identified shortfalls.
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.30 |
Chapter 12
Section 12.5.5 Culture in the Community
Page: 457, Objective CUO43
Objective CUO43- Accessibility
To encourage (disabled) people {of all abilities and ages} to take part fully in the city’s culture as creators, artists, workers and consumers by supporting a high standard of accessibility in new and existing cultural assets.
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.31 |
Chapter 12
Section 12.5.6 Supporting the Irish Language and Culture in the City
Page: 459, Policy CU26
Policy CU26- Irish Language
To continue supporting Gaeilge as part of our identity and as a living language within the city and to (explore options for promoting) {promote} Irish language and culture through policy and actions.
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.32 |
Chapter 12
Section 12.5.6 Supporting the Irish Language and Culture in the City
Page: 459, Objective CUO45
Objective CUO45 Dublin Gaeltacht
To support the promotion of the Irish language and support initiatives to establish Irish language network areas/”Dublin Gaeltacht” in Dublin; {and the implementation of Dublin City Council’s initiative Baile Átha Cliath le Gaeilge to increase the opportunities and space for people to use and learn}.
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.33 |
Chapter 12
Section 12.5.6 Supporting the Irish Language and Culture in the City; Sub Heading Irish Language Quarter
Page: 459, Objective CUO49
Objective CUO49 Irish Language on Shopfronts
To support {and identify funding for} the use of the Irish language on shopfronts, having regard to the principles set out in Dublin City Council’s ‘Shop-f{r}ont Design Guidelines’ and Chapter 15.
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.34 |
Chapter 12
Section 12.5.6 Supporting the Irish Language and Culture in the City
Page: 460, Objective CUO51
Objective CUO51- Dublin City Language and Cultural Hub
To promote and support the development of a flagship Dublin City Language and Cultural Hub {on Harcourt Street} as outlined in {the National Development Plan 2021-30 and}(the) Project Ireland 2040 (document, Infheistinár dTeanga & inár nOidhreacht- Investing in our Culture, Language & Heritage 2018-2027.)
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.35 |
Chapter 12
Section 12.5.7 Culture in the Public Domain.
Page: 462, Policy CU29
Policy CU29- Public Realm for Cultural Events
To encourage greater use of the public realm for cultural events to make the {inner} city (centre), {and urban villages} more attractive to those with young families {for both day and night time events}, and to seek provision of new public spaces for outdoor performance that are designed and fitted to host a range of events.
Material Alteration Reference Number 12.36 |
Chapter 12
Section 12.5.7 Culture in the Public Domain
Page: 462, insert New Objective after CUO55 - Broadstone Plaza, subsequent numbering to be amended accordingly
{Objective - Broadstone Plaza
To undertake a study to examine the potential of utilizing the Broadstone Plaza for hosting public events and markets and to explore opportunities to work with TU Dublin and Grangegorman Development Agency in developing new opportunities for public events in this area.}