Chapter 13: Strategic Development Regeneration Areas (SDRAs)

Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Kilmainham Inchicore Network

Chapter 13: Strategic Development Regeneration Areas (SDRAs)

13. SDRA 7 Heuston and Environs

13.9 SDRA 7 - Heuston and Environs 

Add to Movement Section (pg. 527)-

"to facilitate the delivery of bridge from back of Kilmainham Gaol and Courthouse over the Camac River "

13. SDRA 7 Heuston and Environs

13.9 - Garda Station at Kilmainham

Add to Land Use and Activity

"to recognise and provide the possibility of repurposing and regeneration of Kilmainham Garda Station as a shared resource for local cultural heritage landmarks" - this ties in with DCC Policy BHA12 (pg. 411) promoting industrial and military heritage.

13. SDRA 9 Emmet Road

13.11 SDRA 9 Emmet Road

Q: Land Use & Activity: What does "to facilitate the reconfiguration/ consolidation of educational uses in the Emmet Crescent Area" mean?

13. SDRA 9 Emmet Road

13.11 1 Goldenbridge Industrial Estate

"The Camac River is culverted for the majority of its journey through the site.  The potential for its renaturalisation should be investigated further via a masterplan process in tandem with the river Camac restoration project.  Refer to policy SI11 and SI12 for further details"  consider replacing "Should be" with " will be" or "needs to be"

13. SDRA 9 Emmet Road

13.11.3 ERD Site

In relation to heights, the current design is adhering to the DCDP 2016-2022 that limits the height on the build to less than 24 metres.  The proposed DCDP 2022-28 states:  "the Emmet Road site is considered capable of delivering baseline height of 8 storeys with locally higher buildings in specified locations as detailed in the Guiding Principles Map, figure 13.9, subject to detailed design and compliance with Appendix 3 of the development plan" pg. 539. Can we get clarification on whether the application to ABP will be delayed until the DCDP 2022-2028 is ratified and therefore will allow for this suggested increased height/density?  Or will it be the case that there will be an alternation to the design after the application goes to ABP when the DCDP 2022-2028 comes into place?

13. SDRA 9 Emmet Road

13.11.3. ERD Site

SDRA Guiding Principles from DCDP 2016-2022 are no longer included in new proposed DCDP.  This is a concern given that in DCDP 2016-2022 it stated that "variety of housing tenure and unit types will be sought in order to achieve a balanced and sustainable community"  this needs to be altered to reflect the cost rental aspect of the ERD and then this guiding principle needs to be reinstated in the DCDP 2022-2028.  Secondly another guiding principle that has disappeared from the new DCDP is "Innovative proposals that create a landmark destination within the city for combined facilities of a community, recreational, leisure and sports nature will be promoted, such facilities shall integrate positively  with the existing sports facilities on the site".  This is another guiding principle that needs to remain in the new DCDP.

13. SDRA 9 Emmet Road

13.11.3. ERD Site

Request another guiding principle be added to the DCDP re the pepper potting (no segregation) of social and cost rental units within the ERD.  This commitment has been stated by DCC. This is outlined as an assurance in Appendix 1, section 7.3, pg. 75 of the DCDP.