Chapter 1: Strategic context and vision
1.1 Introduction
The Dublin City Development Plan (2022–2028) sets out an integrated, coherent spatial framework to ensure our city is developed in an inclusive way which improves the quality of life for its citizens, and ensures that it is an attractive place to live, work and visit. The plan guides future growth and development, and provides the overall strategy to achieve proper planning and sustainable development, through a range of policies and objectives.
The new plan has come at a time of unprecedented challenges for the city arising from the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, Brexit and climate change. This new development plan creates a platform to facilitate and promote the sustainable, long-term recovery of the city for the benefit of its citizens, the region and the country. It offers an opportunity to respond to these challenges and to build on the success of the significant investment and regeneration seen in the city in recent years.
The city has witnessed significant growth and expansion over the past number of years. There have been considerable achievements including the continued build out of Dublin Docklands as a vibrant new commercial and residential hub. Poolbeg West has been designated as a Strategic Development Zone (SDZ) and the adopted planning scheme will facilitate further significant housing and commercial development. Technological University Dublin has largely relocated to the Grangegorman campus and the new national children’s hospital at St. James’s Hospital campus is nearing completion, which will in turn greatly enhance the rejuvenation of the south west of the inner city.
Extensive new neighbourhoods are being created at Pelletstown, Clongriffin-Belmayne, Ballymun and Cherry Orchard with the support of an updated suite of local area plans. (See Chapter 4: Shape and Structure of the City for further information on recent development patterns in the city).
On the public transportation front, the new Luas cross-city line is complete and there are plans for further significant public transport investments including Metro, Bus Connects, Dart + and the Luas extension. An ambitious upgrade of the city’s cycle paths is planned over the next number of years, and works to enhance the city centre public realm are advancing as well as a number of city greening initiatives.
Whilst much has been achieved, there remain areas of the city that remain underdeveloped and in need of regeneration. Significant housing delivery in tandem with physical and social infrastructure is required to meet the growing needs of the city to ensure that Dublin is an attractive city to live in and that it retains its competitiveness as capital city.
The City Council is committed to promoting compact growth and ensuring the continued consolidation of the city, with sustainable patterns of development and the creation of a dynamic and vibrant city core complemented by well-serviced and integrated neighbourhoods. It is the objective of the Council to ensure the best use of the city’s land to deliver additional housing, to provide integrated transport including enhanced walking and cycling facilities; to the development of community infrastructure and facilities including cultural and sports amenities; and to long term, sustainable economic growth.
1.2 Strategic Approach – Achieving a Sustainable, Climate Resilient Dublin
The development plan sets out the strategic approach to meet the needs and aspirations of citizens of Dublin and the country, not only for the six-year life of the plan, but for the long term.
The overarching strategic approach of the plan is to develop a low carbon, sustainable, climate resilient city. The costly implications of not doing so are indisputable and the benefits of a more sustainable city are numerous. A shift in behavioural patterns, effective use of land well served by public transport, use of renewable energy sources and development of sustainable infrastructure is critical for the city to make its contribution to emissions reduction and to increase the resilience of the city’s economy. Dublin has made some good progress in these areas, but the scale of the challenge is such that there is a need for a coherent and strategic response.
It is envisaged that by 2050, Dublin will be a zero carbon city with all of its energy coming from renewable energy sources. All of the city’s buildings will have been built or retrofitted to near zero energy building standards, which will provide comfortable, warm, living and working environments. The use of ‘conventionally-fuelled’ cars in urban transport will be halved by 2030 and phased out by 2050 and we will achieve essentially CO2-free city logistics in Dublin by 2030.
Strategic Principles
In achieving a more sustainable and resilient city, the application of the strategic principles at all levels, from plan making to urban projects and development management, will help to deliver a better quality of life for all. The principles which are set out below constitute inter-related and essential elements of a sustainable approach to future development of the city. These principles are imbued throughout the development plan, cascading from the vision, Core Strategy, policies, objectives and standards through to implementation.
- Social/Residential – creating a more compact city with a network of sustainable neighbourhoods (aligned with the principle of the 15 minute city) which have a range of facilities and a choice of tenure and house types, promoting social inclusion and integration of all ethnic/minority communities.
- Economic – continuing to develop Dublin as the engine of the Irish economy and the national gateway at the heart of the Dublin region, with a network of thriving spatial and sectoral clusters providing the strategic focus for employment and innovation.
- Sustainable Movement – helping to build an integrated transport network and encouraging the provision of greater choice of public transport and active travel including walking and cycling.
- Cultural/Built Heritage – making provision for cultural facilities throughout the city and increasing awareness of our cultural and built heritage and promoting safe and active streets through the design of buildings and the public realm.
- Urban Form – creating a connected, legible and liveable city with a distinctive sense of place, based on active streets quality public spaces and adequate community and civic infrastructure.
- Healthy Placemaking - ensuring quality architecture, urban design and green spaces to provide quality of life and good health and wellbeing for all.
- Innovation - improving the liveability and attractiveness of Dublin as a dynamic, sustainable city that is future ready by embracing innovation and using technology, including Smart City possibilities, to address city challenges and improve quality of life.
These components of the over-arching strategic approach and philosophy for the new development plan have informed the vision for the city, which is elaborated on below.
Figure 1-1: Strategic Context
1.3 The Vision for Dublin
This Dublin City Development Plan arrives at a time of uncertainty as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, Brexit and climate change. The time is opportune however, to create a vision for the city that will not only facilitate growth, but will seek to ensure that this physical, social and economic growth takes place in a coherent and sustainable manner.
The city must, collectively through its citizens and civic leaders, develop a shared vision of what sort of city we aspire to, not only for the six-year lifetime of a development plan, but for the next 25 to 30 years. It is only by developing a shared vision for Dublin that we can deliver the Core Strategies of each successive development plan as crucial stepping stones towards the long-term vision. Without a vision which enjoys broad support, short-term, often competing, interests will prevail, ultimately to the detriment of the city.
The development plan vision has been informed having regard to the National Strategic Outcomes (NSOs) set out in the NPF, the Regional Strategic Outcomes (RSOs) set out in the RSES and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Central to the achievement of the vision is the integration of climate action as a cross cutting theme throughout the plan.
The vision for the city is that:
Within the next 10 years, Dublin will have an established international reputation as one of Europe’s most sustainable, dynamic and resourceful city regions. Dublin, through the shared vision of its citizens and civic leaders, will be a beautiful, compact city, with a distinct character, a vibrant culture and a diverse, smart, green, innovation-based economy. It will be a socially inclusive city of urban neighbourhoods with excellent community and civic infrastructure based on the principles of the 15 minute city, all connected by an exemplary public transport, cycling and walking system and interwoven with a high quality bio-diverse, green space network. In short, the vision is for a capital city where people will seek to live, work, experience, invest and socialise, as a matter of choice.
1.4 Statutory Context
This Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028 has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended). The legislative basis for the preparation and adoption of a development plan is set out in Sections 9-12 of the Act. Section 10(1) provides that the development plan shall set out an overall strategy for the proper planning and sustainable development of the area and shall consist of a written statement and a plan or plans indicating the development objectives for the area (see Appendix 4 for a summary of development plan mandatory requirements.
The plan is required to be consistent with national and regional planning and development policy and must specifically address the following mandatory requirements:
Figure 1-2: Mandatory Requirements to be Addressed by Development Plans
The development plan and in particular, the Core Strategy (see Chapter 2) sets out the spatial framework for the city within the context of the National Development Plan (NDP), National Planning Framework (NPF), the National Climate Action Plan (CAP) 2019-2024, the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy for the Eastern and Midland Regional Assembly (RSES) 2019, the NTA Transport Strategy 2016-2033 and with the Specific Planning Policy Requirements (SPPRs) set out in the relevant Section 28 Ministerial Guidelines.
The key provisions of the national and regional development frameworks, and also the relationship between these higher level policy frameworks and this development plan for the city, are set out in Section 1.9 below. Appendix 14 sets out a summary of how the plan complies with relevant Section 28 guidance. The Core Strategy and Housing Strategy inform the settlement strategy for the city.
Taking account of the development framework set out in higher level national and regional plans, the proposed strategic approach for Dublin promotes the consolidation of the city, maximising efficient use of land and integrating land use and transport, within the context of an over-arching philosophy of sustainability and quality of life factors. The development plan is fully consistent with all of these higher level plans, as is demonstrated in the Core Strategy (Chapter 2).
1.5 Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) /Appropriate Assessment (AA)/Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA)
1.5.1 Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
The preparation of the Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028 is required to undergo Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in accordance with Directive 2001/42/EC and associated implementing national legislation[1] on the Assessment of the Effects of Certain Plans and Programmes on the Environment.
SEA is a process for evaluating, at the earliest appropriate stage, the environmental quality and consequences of Plans or Programmes. The purpose is to ensure that the environmental consequences of Plans or Programmes are assessed both during their preparation and prior to their adoption. The SEA process is integrated into the preparation of the draft plan and the SEA Environmental Report.
As part of the SEA process, the statutory environmental authorities were informed and consulted through SEA Scoping in relation to the making of the draft plan and the associated SEA. Submissions provided by the environmental authorities have influenced the making of the draft plan and have been incorporated into the Environmental Report, which is contained in Volume 5 of the draft plan.
The Environmental Report sets out policy and guidance in relation to SEA; the findings of consultations; describes the baseline environment; sets environmental objectives; assesses the environmental impact of the plan and proposes appropriate mitigation of potential negative aspects, where required.
The SEA process is supported by a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA). The SFRA provides a strategic assessment of flood risk at a city level, informing land-use planning decisions in the Development Plan.
1.5.2 Appropriate Assessment (AA)
In accordance with the requirements under the EU Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC), the EU Birds Directive (79/409/EEC) and Section 177 of the Planning and Development (Amendment) Act 2010, an Appropriate Assessment of the draft Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028 has been carried out to determine whether the draft plan could have significant effects on European sites, either individually or in combination with other plans or projects.
The Appropriate Assessment of the draft plan furthermore assesses whether any such significant effects would adversely affect the integrity of any European sites, in view of the conservation objectives supporting the favourable conservation condition of the Qualifying Interest habitats and species of European sites. In reaching a conclusion in this regard, consideration is given to any mitigation measures necessary to avoid or reduce any potential negative impacts.
An early iteration of the pre-draft plan (comprising an issues paper, Chief Executive's Report on pre-draft Public Consultation Strategic Issues Paper and Minutes of Special Council Meeting on Pre-Draft Development Plan) was subject to Screening for Appropriate Assessment.
The purpose of this process is to determine whether or not a plan requires Appropriate Assessment of the likely significant effects on a European site (Natura 2000 network of European sites of conservation importance). Where it cannot be ruled out beyond scientific doubt, and on a precautionary basis avoiding reliance of mitigation policies or measures, that the plan is likely to have potential for significant effects on a range of European site(s), it is deemed that the plan will require an Appropriate Assessment.
The Appropriate Assessment of the draft plan and its proposed policies and objectives (at this time) has been informed by a Natura Impact Report (NIR) that is included with the draft plan documentation (Volume 6 of the plan). It has been objectively concluded (at this stage of the plan process) in the NIR, following an examination, analysis and evaluation of the relevant information, including in particular the nature of the predicted impacts associated with the plan that it will not adversely affect the integrity of any European site, either alone or in combination with other plans or projects. However, the iterative process is incomplete.
Following on from the release of the draft plan and its accompanying environmental reports, any amendments or material changes that arise from that process will themselves be subject to Appropriate Assessment and incorporated into the draft plan before the assessment can be concluded (through the formal determination of the Competent Authority e.g. the elected members and its statuary adoption thereafter of the Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028).
The following will apply to all plans:
To ensure that plans, including land use plans, will only be adopted, if they either individually or in combination with existing and/or proposed plans or projects, will not have a significant effect on a European Site, or where such a plan is likely or might have such a significant effect (either alone or in combination), the planning authority will, as required by law, carry out an appropriate assessment as per requirements of Article 6(3) of the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC of the 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora, as transposed into Irish legislation. Only after having ascertained that the plan will not adversely affect the integrity of any European site, will the planning authority adopt the plan, incorporating any necessary mitigation measures. A plan which could adversely affect the integrity of a European site may only be adopted in exceptional circumstances, as provided for in Article 6(4) of the Habitats Directive as transposed into Irish legislation. Plans will also be subject to screening for the requirement for environmental assessment, and to environmental assessment if required, in accordance with the provisions of Directive 2001/42/EC on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment (the SEA Directive) as transposed into national legislation. |
The following will apply to all development proposals:
To ensure that planning permission will only be granted for a development proposal that, either individually or in combination with existing and/or proposed plans or projects, will not have a significant effect on a European site(s), or where such a development proposal is likely or might have such a significant effect (either alone or in combination), the planning authority will, as required by law, carry out an appropriate assessment as per requirements of Article 6(3) of the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC of the 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora, as transposed into Irish legislation. Only after having ascertained that the development proposal will not adversely affect the integrity of any European site, will the planning authority agree to the development and impose appropriate mitigation measures in the form of planning conditions. A development proposal which could adversely affect the integrity of a European site may only be permitted in exceptional circumstances, as provided for in Article 6(4) of the Habitats Directive as transposed into Irish legislation. Development proposals will also be subject to screening for the requirement for environmental impact assessment, and to environmental impact assessment if required, in accordance with the provisions of Directive 2011/52/EU on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment as amended by Directive 2014/52/EU (the EIA Directive) as transposed into national legislation. |
1.5.3 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA)
The development plan also contains a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA). A SFRA is an area wide assessment of the existing risks of flooding and the impact of those risks arising from spatial planning policies. The SFRA, including flood zone maps has been carried out in accordance with the Planning System and Flood Risk Management – Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2009) and is contained in Volume 7 of the Plan.
1.6 Housing Strategy, HNDA and Retail Strategy
A Housing Strategy in accordance with Section 94 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) has been prepared (Appendix 1). In addition, a Housing Need and Demand Assessment (HNDA) has been prepared in accordance with the Guidance on the Preparation of Housing Need and Demand Assessment published by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage in April 2021.
The quantitative analysis set out in the Housing Strategy and HNDA has been informed by the Structural Housing Demand in Ireland and Housing Supply Targets document, and the associated Section 28 Guidelines: Housing Supply Target Methodology for Development Planning December 2020.
A Retail Strategy is set out in Appendix 2 and this has been prepared having regard to the Retail Planning Guidelines (2012).
1.7 Plan Making Process and Consultation
The preparation of this plan included pre-draft consultation with the elected members, the general public, key stakeholders, infrastructure providers, sectoral groups, statutory agencies and adjoining local authorities. The pre-draft public consultation extended over a ten-week period with the launch of an issues paper in February 2021.
The consultation strategy included a number of public information events including 5 online webinars to encourage as much public engagement as possible. There was also active use of social media including an information video. A total of 752 written submissions, together with the opinions and comments arising from the public consultation webinars, were taken into account when formulating the draft development plan. The number of submissions and contributions reflects a high level of interest in the future of the city.
In considering the views expressed by the public at the pre-draft stage, the elected representatives proposed 1,078 motions giving the chief executive direction as to what strategic and policy issues to include in the draft development plan. Following consideration of the draft development plan prepared by the chief executive, the elected members proposed further motions for amendments to the draft plan. All changes agreed by the City Council were incorporated into the draft plan.
The adoption of the plan is a reserved function of the elected members under the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended).
1.8 Form and Content of Development Plan
The Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028 comprises a number of inter-related documents/volumes which must be interpreted as a whole. These are:
Written Statement (Volume 1): The Written Statement, which sets out the Core Strategy and the policies and objectives of the Council for the proper planning and sustainable development of the city. It comprises the main policy document of the Dublin City Development Plan and includes 16 Chapters. Graphic maps in Vol. 1 are illustrative only.
Appendices (Volume 2): The Appendices, contained in a separate volume, include the Housing Strategy and HNDA, the Retail Strategy, together with a number of other technical appendices.
Mapping (Volume 3): The zoning maps and other strategic maps give a graphic representation of the proposals in the plan, indicating land use and other objectives of the Council. They do not purport to be accurate survey maps from which site dimensions or other survey data can be measured. Should any conflict arise between the written statement and the maps or diagrams, the written statement shall take precedence.
Additional Volumes: There are four further volumes in the plan. These include:
Volume 4: The Record of Protected Structures.
Volume 5: The Strategic Environmental Assessment Report.
Volume 6: The Appropriate Assessment Report.
Volume 7: Strategic Flood Risk Assessment.
1.9 Strategic Policy Context
1.9.1 Introduction
Since the adoption of the current Dublin City Development Plan in 2016, significant changes have occurred in the policy and regulatory environment for land use planning and development in Ireland. The plan is informed by a hierarchy of international, national and regional policies, which are now in place.
Figure 1‑3: Key National, Regional and Local Planning Policy
1.9.2. UN Sustainable Development Goals
The 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set out a holistic approach to achieving a sustainable future for all. Ireland is committed to achieving the SDGs as set out in the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment ‘The Sustainable Development Goals National Implementation Plan 2018-2020. There is significant alignment between the NPF’s National Strategic Outcomes and the SDGs (see also
Figure 1‑4: UN Sustainable Development Goals
1.9.3 The National Planning Framework
The National Planning Framework (NPF) is a 20-year, high-level strategy to guide development and investment in Ireland. The full document can be viewed at
The NPF makes a strong commitment to sustainable land management and resource efficiency in order to support the transition to a low carbon society. It sets out a regional focused strategy for managing growth and providing a counterbalance to the established concentration of growth in the Greater Dublin Area.
Notwithstanding this, the NPF acknowledges the critical role that Dublin City plays in the country’s competitiveness as the country’s leading global city of scale, and supports Dublin’s growth in jobs and population, anticipating that the city and suburbs will accommodate an extra 235,000 to 293,000 people by 2040.
The NPF identifies ten National Strategic Outcomes (NSOs) for the future growth and sustainable development of Ireland to 2040. These outcomes have been a central consideration in shaping the new Dublin City Development Plan. The Outcomes in the NPF are realised through a series of National Policy Objectives (NPOs) with which the Dublin City Development Plan is consistent with.
Figure 1‑5: NPF National Strategic Outcomes
Compact growth is the first NSO and it has particular significance for spatial planning policy, requiring at least half of all future housing and employment growth in Dublin to be located within and close to the existing ‘built-up’ area of the city – specifically within the canals and the M50 ring which will require the progressive relocation of less-intensive land uses outside of this built-up area.
This growth strategy will allow better use of underutilised serviced land and buildings, including infill and brownfield land, with more high-quality and higher-density mixed-use development accompanied by enhanced amenities, education, health and social services; all supported by sustainable mobility.
The NPF sets out that securing compact and sustainable growth requires a focus on the liveability of urban places, continuous regeneration of existing built up areas, tackling legacies such as concentrations of disadvantage in certain areas, and linking regeneration and redevelopment initiatives to climate action. The NPF also sets out a series of growth enablers for Dublin, which have informed the policy approach in the plan.
1.9.4 The National Climate Action Plan 2019-2024
The National Climate Action Plan (CAP) 2019-2024 (, sets out a course of action to address the impacts of climate change on Ireland’s environment, society, economic and natural resources. The CAP identifies the scale of the challenge and examines impacts on a range of key sectors including electricity, transport, built environment, industry and agriculture and charts a course towards ambitious emission reduction targets.
The CAP recognises the role that Project Ireland 2040 and the NPF can play in climate action in providing for population growth in a compact, connected and sustainable way and the key role that land use planning can play in progressing climate change mitigation and adaption.
It is recognised that the Government intends to publish a new National Climate Action Plan in the near future. Dublin City Council will consider a variation of the development plan within a reasonable period of time to ensure that the development plan will be consistent with the overall approach to climate action set out in any new National Climate Action Plan.
Dublin City Council adopted and is implementing a Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) for the city for the period 2019-2024 focussed on the areas of energy and buildings, transport, flood resilience, nature-based solutions and resource management.
Climate action is a cross-cutting theme and is integrated with every chapter of the plan. In particular, the plan promotes a compact urban form, the integration of transportation and land use planning, protection and enhancement of biodiversity, all of which will help create climate resilient communities and neighbourhoods.
1.9.5 Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (2019-2031)
Dublin City is within the Eastern and Midland Regional Assembly Area (EMRA) and the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES) ( for this area sets out a strategic plan and investment framework to shape the development of, and to manage planning in, the region.
Figure 1‑6: Dublin City in the EMRA Area
The RSES integrates the NPF objectives and the growth and settlement strategy at the regional level, ensuing coordination between the NPF and the Dublin City Development Plan.
The RSES identifies the region’s challenges as the need to sustain economic growth whilst transitioning to a low carbon society and; the need to align population growth with the location of homes and jobs whilst creating healthy attractive places and an enhanced quality of life.
The RSES is underpinned by three key principles namely: placemaking; climate action; and sustainable economic opportunity and growth. Sixteen Regional Strategic Outcomes (RSOs) are set out which are broadly aligned with the National Strategic Outcomes of the NPF.
Figure 1‑7: EMRA RSES Regional Strategic Outcomes
The RSES sets out the vision for growth (homes and jobs) and Regional Policy Objectives (RPOs) for the Region to the year 2031 and seeks a population increase of circa 100,000 people by 2031 in Dublin City.
The policies and objectives of the plan align with the RSOs and the Core Strategy is underpinned by the population targets set out in the RSES.
1.9.6 Dublin Metropolitan Area Strategic Plan (MASP)
The RSES includes a more detailed Dublin Metropolitan Area Strategic Plan (MASP) which identifies strategic development and employment areas for population and employment growth, in addition to more generalised consolidation and re-intensification of infill, brownfield and underutilised lands within Dublin City and its suburbs.
Figure 1‑8: Dublin MASP
The MASP identifies a number of large scale strategic sites (strategic development lands), based on key corridors that will deliver significant development (housing and employment development) up to the year 2031.
The strategic development lands within the City Council’s area identified in the RSES by EMRA are as follows:
Strategic Development Areas
Multi-Modal Location – City Centre within the M50
- Residential: Docklands and City Centre, Naas Road, North East Inner City lands, Parkwest – Cherry Orchard, Ballymun, Ashtown-Pelletstown and St. James – Heuston Lands.
- Employment: Docklands and Poolbeg, Diageo lands and St. James and Grangegorman campus, Naas Road.
DART Corridor – (North South)
- Residential: North Fringe (Clongriffin / Belmayne)
- Employment: North Fringe Mixed Use Centres
Strategic Employment Lands
Multi-Modal Location – City Centre and Docklands
- Docklands, Poolbeg and North East Inner City, City Centre (Grangegorman and St. James-Diageo lands)
- Intensification of Industrial lands
- DART Corridor- (South West Corridor)
- Naas Road.
The MASP supports a sequential approach to residential development with a primary focus on the consolidation of sites within or contiguous to Dublin City and Suburbs. The Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy of the plan aligns with the strategic development lands detailed in the RSES.
1.9.7 NTA Transport Strategy 2016-2035
This strategy for the Greater Dublin Area (GDA) provides a framework for a sustainable transport network for the long term. Three key projects include:
- The Bus Connects project with a targeted timeline of 2021 – 2023.
- The extended Luas Tram line to Finglas anticipated to be delivered by 2028.
- Metro train line from the city to Dublin Airport and Swords with a targeted delivery date of between 2021 and 2027.
Over the course of the development plan, it is expected that these key infrastructural projects will either be delivered or be at an advanced stage of design/planning. The alignment of future growth and key public transport infrastructure is a key consideration of the plan.
1.9.8 Statutory Planning Guidelines
The Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage has issued a range of guidelines which planning authorities are required to have regard to in carrying out their functions, including in the preparation of the Dublin City Development Plan. These guidelines cover a wide range of issues including building height, residential density and design, development management, childcare facilities and environmental assessment. Full cognisance of these guidelines and all relevant strategic planning policy requirements has been had when framing the policies and objectives of the plan (see Appendix 14).
1.10 Implementation and Monitoring
The numerous strategies, policies and objectives in the Dublin City Development Plan cannot be delivered by the City Council alone. The vision of the plan will be implemented by a number of agencies at the city, region and national level. The successful implementation of a significant number of the policies and objectives of the plan will necessitate ongoing collaboration and a sense of goodwill across a range of agencies and stakeholders.
Dublin City Council will actively engage with the relevant agencies and undertake an active land management role to progress and secure the implementation of the plan. Monitoring mechanisms will be put in place to ensure effective sustainable delivery and also to allow for greater transparency on the progress made in the implementation of the plan (see Chapter 16: Monitoring and Implementation).
[1] Planning and Development (Strategic Environmental Assessment) Regulations 2004 (S.I. No. 436 of 2004), as amended by the Planning and Development (Strategic Environmental Assessment) (Amendment) Regulations 2011, (S.I. No. 201 of 2011).