Closed20 Sep, 2021, 09:00 - 29 Oct, 2021, 16:30

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Consultation Date has now been extended to Friday 29th October at 4.30pm 




Dublin City Council’s (DCC) Planning and Property Development Department has prepared a non-statutory Draft Masterplan to address opportunities for urban regeneration of the former depot lands at Gulistan Terrace, Rathmines, Dublin 6. The Draft Masterplan, which comprises an urban design framework, provides a vision and key development principles for integrated, plan-led solution, but does not give planning consent for specific projectsIt is intended that these lands will be redeveloped to provide a mix of housing, primary healthcare and civic spaces.

 The Masterplan is a non-statutory process which will be used to inform and assess planning applications being made on the site. All the projects identified in the draft Masterplan will be subject to statutory planning consent under the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). All projects will be subject to environmental assessment as part of the planning consent process. This includes compliance with the EU Environmental Impact Assessment, Flood Risk, and Habitats Directives.

A copy of the Draft Masterplan, together with the accompanying Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Appropriate Assessment (AA) Considerations and Strategic Flood Risk Assessment, are available for inspection from 20TH September to 15th October 2021 - now extended to Friday 29th October at 4.30 pm (both dates inclusive) as follows:

  • Online at:  https://consult.dublincity.ie/
  • by appointment only,  at the offices of Dublin City Council, Ground floor, Block 4, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8 during public opening hours, Monday – Friday 9.00am to 4.30pm, (excluding Bank Holidays).  To make an appointment please email planning@dublincity.ie or Phone 01 222 2149.

The Draft Masterplan will also be available for viewing on the City Council’s website https://www.dublincity.ie/gulistan


The Planning process is an open and public one. In that context, all submissions/observations are a

matter of public record, and may be placed on the City Council’s website.


Submissions/observations may be made online at the following link:



by post to the following address:-

Senior Executive Officer

(Draft Gulistan Masterplan)

Planning and Property Development Department,

Block 4, Floor 3,

Dublin City Council, Civic Offices,

Wood Quay, Dublin 8.