Chapter 16: Monitoring and Implementation

Closed25 Nov, 2021, 00:00 - 14 Feb, 2022, 16:30

16.1    Introduction

Under the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), Dublin City Council has a statutory obligation to secure the implementation of the policies and objectives of the city development plan and to take such steps within its powers as may be necessary to achieve them. It is acknowledged however, that the implementation of policies and objectives may take a number of plan cycles to be fully realised. The success of the development plan will be measured not only by the degree of implementation that is achieved over the lifetime of the Plan in the next six years, but by having regard to the longer term vision for the city. The objectives set out in the plan need to be realistic in terms of funding capabilities and implementation structures. Monitoring delivery of infrastructure and the carrying out of development is critical to ensuring the effective delivery of the objectives set out in this plan.

Dublin City Council is fully committed to securing the successful implementation of the policies and objectives of this city development plan and the following sections set out how this will be achieved. The City Council will utilise its wide range of statutory powers and responsibilities to achieve and implement the objectives of the plan.

16.2    Collaboration and Engagement

The City Council will actively undertake a leadership role to progress and secure the development plan policies and objectives to achieve the proper planning and sustainable development of the city. However, Dublin City Council cannot solely realise the vision in progressing towards a resilient, low-carbon city that offers a high quality of life for its citizens. In this regard, the successful implementation of a significant number of the objectives of the Plan will necessitate on-going collaboration and engagement with citizens, stakeholders, sectoral interests, city partners and adjoining authorities.

The skills, awareness and competencies of the city’s residents and users, in addition to agencies and stakeholders at city, regional and national level, are critical to building and maintaining the city’s momentum on achieving sustainability. The City Council, through collaboration with communities and networks, such as the Public Participation Network, the Dublin City Local Community Development Committee, and Comhairle na nÓg, will develop on-going engagement process for the implementation of the development plan.

The City Council will also during the life of this development plan, use appropriate social media platforms to engage with the city’s stakeholders and citizens in order to develop online dialogue about the progress of the Plan. It is envisaged that this will be particularly effective in reaching younger audiences as well as minority groups. It is also recognised however, that it is important that older people, who may not be as familiar with the internet/social media are kept informed and in this regard, more conventional forms of consultation will be also be utilised to ensure effective engagement with all sectors of society.

16.3    Monitoring, Implementation and Phasing

16.2.1 Monitoring

The development plan will be reviewed and a two-year progress report will be prepared on achievements in securing the objectives of the plan. The two year review will include a full schedule of all the objectives in the development plan and will comment on the progress being made in implementing each objective.

As far as practicable, every effort has been made to ensure that the objectives of the plan follow the SMART approach (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound). This approach will assist in the transparency and objective evaluation of the two-year review process. It is acknowledged however, that not all policies and objectives may be measured by easily identified quantitative values and implementation may be subject to external factors, economic circumstances and availability of resources.

Dublin City Council will continue to engage with the Regional Assembly, and will regularly report to the Assembly setting out progress made in supporting the objectives of the RSES and the MASP in accordance with Section 25A(1) of the 2000 Planning and Development Act (as amended).

Dublin City Council will continue to publish an annual Sustainability Report which will include accurate measurements of energy efficient improvements, delivery of renewable energy and sustainable transport infrastructure and the overall carbon emission reductions in the city.

Article 10 of the SEA Directive requires monitoring of the significant environmental effects of the implementation of the City Development Plan in order to identify, at an early stage, unforeseen adverse effects and to enable appropriate remedial action to be undertaken.

The plan (and any future variations) will be subject to a separate monitoring and review exercise as part of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Appropriate Assessment (AA). This aspect of monitoring will ensure compliance with the strategic environmental objectives as set out in the Environmental Report which accompanies this plan and will also safeguard the special characteristics and features of the designated Natura 2000 sites.

Dublin City Council plays an important role on the Dublin Housing Supply Coordination Task Force, an initiative of the Government’s Construction 2020 – A Strategy for a Renewed Construction Sector. The task force comprises the four Dublin local authorities, Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, and a number of other bodies. Dublin City Council compiles regular updates on residential developments completed, under construction and those currently in the planning system, such as current planning applications, in order to monitor the delivery of housing units and the quantum of ‘ready to go’ and potential development sites in the city.

The City Council will also actively monitor development patterns occurring in the city and the nature of new development that is being delivered.

16.2.2 Implementation and Phasing

During the implementation phase, proactive measures will be taken to enable the delivery of the housing targets outlined in the core strategy. The policies and objectives of the plan are aligned with the principles of compact growth. Active land management including the implementation of the vacant land levy on all vacant residential and regeneration lands as set out in the Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015 are key means to implement the plan. It is also an objective of the plan (CSO6) to establish a database of strategic brownfield and infill sites and promote their development over the plan period. Chapter 2: Core Strategy, sets out a further range of mechanisms to secure active land management including funding, plan making and collaboration with the Land Development Agency. The City Council will also liaise with other state agencies and infrastructure providers to ensure the timely delivery on infrastructural programmes.

In terms of an overall approach, Dublin City Council seeks to promote the implementation of the development plan in a rational and sequential manner. It is also an objective of the Council to ensure that developments are appropriately phased and that essential facilities, (such as roads infrastructure, water, sewerage) are secured and provided in conjunction with proposed developments.

To ensure that the implementation of the plan is sustainable and contributes towards the long-term vision of the city, Chapter 13 sets out development principles for each of the SDRAs (Strategic Development Regeneration Areas). This chapter will assist in development management and in the preparation of any future LAPs and masterplans. In Strategic Development and Regeneration Areas, Dublin City Council will work towards developing a protocol that would encourage and promote official local monitoring committees anchored by DCC where residents, planners and developers can interact and communicate on large scale development projects.

16.2.3 City Performance Indicators

In addition to the preparation of the two-year progress report, a Development Plan Core Strategy Monitoring Report on the City Performance Indicators, which will measure the city’s performance and progress, will be prepared. The indicators are a key mechanism in assessing the delivery of the housing and population targets set out in the core strategy and will help inform the report which will be presented to the City Council on an annual basis.

City Performance Indicators are a means by which the city’s progress can be measured in accordance with stated goals by providing benchmarks. The indicators are broad-ranging, from planning statistics and environmental data, to transport and economic data. Sources of data from other organisations which are readily available will also be used, where appropriate. Indicators can prompt action, and are a means by which to communicate to the public the progress made towards the development plan vision.

These indicators have been devised to reflect the vision and key components of the core strategy and are broader than the range of purely environmental indicators under SEA and AA.

Beautiful golden hour over Dublin City Centre

Table 16-1:      City Performance Indicators

City Performance Indicators

Sources of Data

  1. Planning Statistics
    (Key Performance Indicators)

a) Total number of valid planning applications received.

b) Number of applications received online (e-planning).

c) Development contributions - total payments received

d) Vacant land study update.

e) Funding (URDF etc.) received.

  1. Housing-Related

a) Planning permissions granted for residential development with:
    Breakdown of 1, 2, 3 and 4 bed units.

b) Total new dwellings commenced and completed with breakdown of unit type (a KPI).

c) Housing land availability (from Housing Land Availability Study).

d) Residential rents (Private Residential Tenancies Board data).

e) Residential property price index – Dublin (available from Central Statistics Office).

  1. SDRA

a) Total number of valid planning applications received.

b) Planning permissions granted for:

(I)   residential development
(ii)   office/retail/commercial development (sq. m.)

c) No. of residential units constructed.

d) Office/retail/commercial development constructed (sq. m.).

e) Enabling infrastructure delivery.

  1. Commercial / Employment-Related

a) Office floorspace quantum.

b) Retail floorspace quantum.

c) Dublin city centre office rents.

d) Dublin office vacancy rate.

e) Unemployment rate (census).

  1. Movement and Transport

a) Canal cordon counts; cycle and pedestrian.

b) City centre footfall figures (via Dublinked site).

c) Shared Public Mobility Schemes; annual number of trips.

  1. Tourism and Visitors

a) Overseas visitors figures.

b) Hotel room occupancy levels.

  1. Economic

a) Seaport cargo figures.

b) KBC/ESRI Dublin overall consumer sentiment.

c) MARKIT Dublin purchasing managers’ index (PMI).

d )Dublin’s latest international rankings.

  1. Environmental

a) Air quality data (Environmental Protection Authority).

b) Environmental noise levels.

c) Bathing water quality (measured at Dollymount, Sandymount. Merrion Strand and Shelley Banks).

d) Carbon reduction.

e) Energy performance.

 16.4   Development Management

A key mechanism in securing the delivery of the policies and objectives of the plan is through the Development Management process. Development Management is the term used to describe the broad range of processes by which development is approved and managed by planning authorities, and by An Bord Pleanála, where relevant. These processes include pre-application consultations, planning applications and planning enforcement. Dublin City Council will have regard to Development Management Guidelines for Planning Authorities (Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government, 2007), and any successor guidelines in the carrying out of its Development Management functions.

The Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) requires that the planning authority, in making its decision on a planning application, shall be restricted to considering the proper planning and sustainable development of the area, and shall have regard to the provisions of the development plan; the provisions of any special amenity area order relating to the area; and, where relevant, the policy of the government, the minister or any other minister of the government. The granting of planning permission does not by itself enable development to be carried out, and this matter is clearly set out in Section 34 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), which states that a person shall not be entitled solely by reason of a permission under that section to carry out any development. There are other legal and procedural requirements which may have to be complied with, such as legislation relating to building control, public health and fire safety.

16.4.1 Compliance with Permission Granted and Enforcement

Development must be carried out and completed in accordance with the planning permission(s) granted. In cases where development, including a material change of use, has commenced or is being carried out without planning permission or in breach of the planning permission, including a breach of any conditions attached to the permission, enforcement proceedings will be taken. Dublin City Council will use all powers at its disposal to ensure that development only takes place with the benefit of valid planning permissions and that all conditions attached to permissions are complied with.

In addition, all developments must ensure compliance with Building Control Regulations 1997 (as amended).

16.4.2 Water Infrastructure

Since the 1st of January 2014, the funding of water infrastructure is the responsibility of Irish Water. Those intending to carry out development will need to enter a ‘Connection Agreement’ with Irish Water that will cover the funding and delivery of the appropriate water infrastructure.


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