Draft Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028

Closed25 Nov, 2021, 00:00 - 14 Feb, 2022, 16:30

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Draft Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028


Dublin City Council is preparing a new Dublin City Development Plan. This dedicated website is to keep you informed and assist you in engaging with the process. The Draft Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028 sets out policies and objectives to guide how and where development will take place in the city over the lifetime of the Plan. It provides an integrated, coherent spatial framework to ensure the city is developed in an inclusive way which improves the quality of life for citizens, whilst also being a more attractive place to visit and work.

Stage 1 is now complete 

Stage 2 commenced on the 25th November 2021 with the public display of the Draft Development Plan (Written Statement, including Appendices and Updated RPS), SEA Environmental Report, Appropriate Assessment (Natura Impact Report), Strategic Flood Risk Assessment and Zoning Maps.

You are now invited to get involved and give us your views on the Draft Plan and its associated documentation all of which can be viewed below. The public consultation period ends at 4.30 pm on the 14th February 2022.


All submissions will be published online in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act. You are responsible for ensuring that no vexatious, libellous or confidential information, including confidential information in relation to a third party (in respect of which the third party has not, expressly, or impliedly in the circumstances, consented to its disclosure) is included in your submission. The Planning Authority reserves the right to redact any submission or part thereof.

You can give your feedback by making a submission through one of the following options:

Make a submission online or by post.

Online via this Consultation Portal

To make a submission on this portal register for a free account and click on the activation email that will be sent to your email. You will then be logged in and can make a submission.


By post

Development Plan Team,

Planning and Property Development Department,

Dublin City Council,

Wood Quay, Dublin 8

Please make your submission by one medium only i.e. online or post. The final date for receipt of all submissions is 4.30pm on 14th February 2022. Late submissions will not be considered.

Important Note Regarding Submissions:

All submissions, whether made online or by post, must include the full name and address of the person making the submission.

All submissions will be published online within 10 working days of receipt in accordance with the requirements of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended). Your address will not be published.

Public Consultation

In addition to being on the website at www.dublincitydevelopmentplan.ie, a copy of the Draft Plan may be inspected for a period from Thursdsay 25th November 2021 to Monday 14th February 2022 inclusive during public opening hours at the offices of Dublin City Council, Public Counter, Planning and Property Development Department, Block 4, Ground Floor, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8, Monday – Friday 9.00am to 4.30pm (excluding Bank Holidays) by appointment only.

To make an appointment, please email planning@dublincity.ie or Phone 01 222 2149 from Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays).

Details on any other relevant information will be made available on Dublin City Development Plan website  at www.dublincitydevelopmentplan.ie and on our social media channels including Facebook and Twitter. 



